Eat God's Way

Eat Healthy and Save $400+ Per Month with Time-Saving and Little-Known Cooking Methods from the Holy Bible
...without giving up your favorite foods or spending all day in the kitchen!
For delicious and doable healthy eating that saves you money, keep reading...
We cut our food budget in half the very first month... from $1000 per month down to $500 per month.

"I have definitely saved money on food since joining! We cut our food budget in half the very first month... from $1000 per month down to $500 per month.
I had been buying in bulk, but my staples like beans and grains would be bad by the time I used them. I learned more effective storage options in your course and will be able to purchase in bulk again!
Also, batch prep and cooking has made it so much easier to have quick, healthy meals, that we aren't resorting to take out on busy days. I can whip up meals in no time. And my husband loves them!
I joined a farm share after hearing you talk about them, and now I get fresh food so much cheaper than at the store, and way more delicious. Plus, I now have the tools to store produce longer (from the Batch Cooking course), and am using it before it goes bad. No more food waste!!
The farm also offers meat from local farmers, and we can afford to buy it thanks to the money we are saving and the ways I've learned to stretch meat into several meals. And...all of this has made it possible for me to buy milk from a local Dairy when they are able to accept new members.
Oh, and after going through your sourdough materials, I have a healthy starter and have been making bread products from scratch. I will be baking bread as soon as we're finished with the loaf we have from the store. That's also saving money! I'm super happy I joined! Thank you for everything you do!" —Darla M.
"May I say... since I’ve been making the recipes from this program, my hubby is no longer a picky eater! He loves traditional food! Thank you Wardee and crew! I’m amazed and so grateful!" -Joan K.

"I’m enjoying all your information. You’re amazingly organized and have a terrific program. What I love the most is your love for God and living a life pleasing to Him." -Beverley S.

Dear Friend,
If you want to get healthier… so you can look and feel great, plus have more energy for God and the people you love…
...and if you're tired of wasting time and money on unsustainable, complicated, time-consuming, and weird-tasting "diets"...
...then this is going to be the most important message you read all day.
Hi, I'm Wardee.
I'm a wife, mom, grandma, and traditional cook in the Boise area of Idaho... and I'm the owner and lead teacher of Traditional Cooking School.
When I was a young mom with three children, we all had issues like food sensitivities and seasonal allergies, but it was especially bad with our third child, our son...
He broke out in itchy red rashes all over his body within hours of birth. :(
The pediatrician gave us a steroid cream but I didn't want to use that because of the side effects.
I got rid of all the grocery store cleaners, soaps, and lotions and replaced them with natural ones. That helped a little but still his rashes got worse and he itched so much the rashes bled.
I felt like I was letting him and my family down... what was I doing wrong? Maybe it had something to do with what we were eating?
Then I learned about some old-fashioned "Traditional" cooking techniques (same ones the Bible mentions).
I tried it out... surprisingly, it took less time and wasn't as hard as I though it might be.
And we could still eat the family favorites we loved, like bread and butter, ice cream and cookies, steak and pizza... just healthier!
The best part... within a few months, our son's rashes completely went away.

It's been nearly 20 years now and my seasonal allergies are all cleared up, too, and the kids never got another ear or sinus infection. We rarely get colds or other illnesses. We have plenty of energy and our weight is stable, too.
I've since devoted my life full-time to helping other Christian moms and dads cook healthy for their families...
...without needing to spend hours in the kitchen or giving up because no one will eat what they make!
Today our home is filled with so much joy. My husband and I both work from home. Over the years, we homeschooled all 3 kids, then our oldest daughter got married, and... today we have two grandsons visiting regularly, too. I couldn't be happier. <3

So... if you're a mom or dad who loves good food and it's also very important to you to glorify God in your entire life, even down to what foods you and your family choose to eat (not because of any rules but because you really love Him and want to glorify Him)...
...then I'm pretty sure you'll be interested in what I'm going to share on this page.
It's the same process our students follow to make and eat simple and yummy meals that are actually healthy ...
Where you:
- can still eat your family's favorite foods like mac-n-cheese, bread and butter, cinnamon rolls and cookies ......I'll just show you how to make them healthier with Traditional cooking methods that are in the Bible!
- follow just a few simple steps for each dish ...because who has time or energy for a million complicated steps or a big mess to clean up afterward?
- spend LESS time in the kitchen you have more family time or "Grandma" time, 'Date Night' with your spouse, and your own free time, too!
- save money on groceries (most of our students save between 25% and 50%... $400+/month for many of our students) you can use that money to buy better quality food, family vacations, paying down the mortgage, etc.
- hear "this is the best EVER!" every day ...and even from your pickiest eater!
- are looking and feeling better ...from feeling happier about your choices and eating healthier yourself you have more energy for enjoying life with your spouse, children, and grandchildren!
- are NOT confused any more about what to try or where to start because all the Traditional cooking methods I'll show you make sense with God's Word ...this is NOT one of those unsustainable, weird, fad diets from the so-called "experts"!
If eating this way sounds good to you, then let me tell you more about how our "Eat God's Way" cooking program works.
But first, we have to recognize this simple truth:
God's Foods Heal

I think most people would agree that diet changes are our first and best defense against sickness and disease.
Yet, it's still really hard for most people to make meaningful and lasting changes in their diets. :(
Here are the common reasons people fail at eating healthy:
- there's so much conflicting information out there that we become paralyzed and find ourselves unable to take any real steps forward because we don't know what's "right" or even where to start... so we don't do anything!
- some diets seem so crazy and unsustainable... lots of weird, expensive ingredients and then the food tastes so much like cardboard it's hard to last even a day ... much less the long haul!
- some diets don't make any sense with the Bible ...for instance, many years ago, my family tried the no-animal-food vegan diet but we gave it up because we felt it contradicted God's instruction, after the flood, that meat would be food we developed nutritional deficiencies and didn't feel so great
- meal times turn into a fight... if everyone's choking down the food, whining, or flat out refusing to take another bite... many throw up their hands and turn to "meat and potatoes" to get back to some semblance of peace.
The irony is that in our "Eat God's Way" cooking program, meat and potatoes are a staple healthy meal (as long as you prepare the right meat and potatoes).
And our plan gives you a shortcut around all the difficulties I just mentioned, from making cooking simpler and more wholesome, to dinnertime being joyous again, while lining everything up with the Bible and God's plan for healthy cooking.
So if all this sounds good to you... then keep reading, because I'm going to show you how to use our simple plan in your kitchen to get healthier and happier.
The heart and soul of our plan is: We eat and prepare foods according to the GNOWFGLINS way.
I know it's a mouthful, and no worries if your children end up saying "glow-muffins" or something like that... true story, one of our student's daughters called it that!
GNOWFGLINS is an acronym (created by my husband) that describes our process for delicious, healthy eating...

GNOWFGLINS combines ALL the keywords that you might find here or there in various books or resources: God's Natural, Organic, Whole Foods, Grown Locally, In Season...
...and teaches you how to prepare those foods for the best nutrition and digestion.
GNOWFGLINS are what we eat, and we teach GNOWFGLINS and their preparation to others through our "Eat God's Way" cooking program.
To our knowledge, we are the first to put everything that's important about food all together, starting with GOD, into a simple, step-by-step, week-by-week, healthy cooking program where you can still eat the dishes you love... only they're healthier...
...and you and your family will not only get healthier, look and feel better, and save time and money...'ll also feel the joy of knowing you're honoring God and His design with every bite!

Since our family started eating this way when our children were young, we hardly ever get sick...
...and we've experienced great relief from food sensitivities, debilitating seasonal allergies, eczema, tummy troubles, and low energy.
So if that's something you want, too... I'm going to walk you through the exact steps of our "Eat God's Way" cooking program right now.
The outcome is simple: move away from the Standard American Diet and get healthier and happier by cooking God’s way with 10 hours a week or less of food prep.
I'm also aiming to help you save at least 25% on your monthly grocery budget, which amounts to $400+/month for many of our students. And I’ll give you everything you need to make all this happen… without any of the typical yucky tasting “health” foods your family won’t touch (plus you don’t need to spend all day in the kitchen, either).
To do that, we'll solve the 3 biggest problems that moms and dads face when trying to eat healthier:
- You’re too tired, busy, and overwhelmed to start something new
- You aren’t clear on (or don’t know) the healthiest and simplest way to cook
- You’re struggling with picky eaters, stubborn health issues, and/or time management
Step 1: Energized with Purpose

So, first the only way to overcome the busy-ness, fatigue, and overwhelm is to get you energized with a purpose.
Most families I work with are sick of unsustainable fad diets and confused which is the right one to follow anyway.
To fix this…
- I’ll show you how healthy cooking is actually quite simple and doable… and reveal a simple plan for doing so… God’s plan for healthy eating! We’ll focus on the foods and cooking methods used in the Bible and Bible times… to honor God, yes, but also these foods turn out to be the healthiest and simplest to make anyway, even for the busiest family.
- You’ll prepare your pantry with budget-friendly whole foods… whether you’re on a budget or not, most families find they save time and money through following our guidelines, shopping lists, and recommendations.
- Finally, I’ll help you cultivate the simple tools and equipment necessary for Eat God's Way cooking. There are a few essentials you’ll need to get started, and others you’ll want to acquire over time or add to your wish list for later. Don’t worry, I’ll share the full scoop so you’ll be ready for “class”.

The result? You’ll see that healthy cooking God’s way isn’t hard or overwhelming. The simple and doable methods will fit into the busiest life.
You’ll have a better understanding of how God wants us to eat and you’ll feel energized and ready to start cooking… with a purpose!
"You’ve shown me how to transform our food from something we eat into something that heals and nourishes our bodies. I love being able to prepare healthy foods with my family… Praise the Lord for His beautiful ways!" -Michelle P.
A quick example of what you might experience when you follow our plan that's grounded in truth and God's design... Lisa got off all meds and is down 4 sizes!
"Traditional Cooking School's cooking program has been a wonderful blessing! Having a plan, a group to share with and teaching by Wardee and all the ladies who give so much time. I am learning how to prioritize my time by putting my family's health before "stuff". Positive wonderful things can also be a time robber. Now I plan ahead so I actually have more time. I am off all meds and am down four sizes. My husband feels better, he is more productive and is off most meds. It's getting easier to plan, shop and cook." -Lisa L.
Marlys lost 5 pounds and her husband loves the bread and meats...
"I had dabbled early on just doing my own thing, not too organized. I was compelled to become a member and do your Fundamentals class and I dove right in. Learned lots on healthy eating. My biggest pursuit was sourdough (always loved the flavor). Now that I understand the whole concept, I love sourdough even more!
It's just my husband and me. I believe he is enjoying the bread (a slice of toast every morning) and I know he enjoys the meats! I have lost about 5 pounds. I must reiterate how thankful I am for all that is available!" -Marlys D.
Debbie L. is off all meds but one, and slowly losing weight:
"Before Traditional Cooking, I was on many medications for my asthma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and GERD. I found Traditional Cooking for the first time then and began making goat cheese and a few other things. I was enjoying the course but it became too expensive for me with all my meds. Guess I got discouraged. I continued to do things off and on. I started taking myself off meds because I felt they were causing more side effects than helping. Then C-VID hit. I was homeschooling my grandkids. I pulled out my TCS binders again and started on them again. I got cultures, and found the things I got before I quit TCS. Then I went back to the website and figured I could use the money I no longer spent on meds to join again.
Now I am off all meds except one, I am slowly losing weight, but I miss some of the foods I liked before (ice cream, and cookies). I am finding substitutions for these that help. I have found some raw milk that I can get starting next week. My first goal is butter, cream and cheese.
If I hadn't taken the course initially years ago, I don't think I would have tried to get off my meds but keep letting doctors give me more and more meds. I guess I just needed to see how eating God's Way is so much better for my health.
Just thank you for all of this. Glad you are here to guide and direct me to a healthier lifestyle." —Debbie L.
Step 2: Learn What & How To Cook

The second problem we'll solve is not knowing how or what to cook.
With all the “diets” out there, it’s no wonder people feel lost.
What if you spend a lot of time, money, and energy putting together a complicated recipe and it bombs and the family hates it?
Or what if that happens over and over and none of the food you make actually tastes good? It’s hard to build up the confidence to try again.
That’s why I’ll have you…
- Follow our delicious, budget-friendly, whole food recipes in order to get hands-on practice with the simple Biblical cooking methods you’ll need to know (including sourdough, ancient grains, and fermenting). Don’t worry, I make it all as simple and doable as can be!
- You’ll take your family’s favorite dishes and tweak them to make them healthier following God’s way! So many simple tweaks to make here and I’ve got loads and loads of tips/methods to help you do just that.
- Finally, I’ll give you weekly menu plans that help you put everything you’ve learned all together. You don’t have to plan it out yourself because I even include shopping lists… so it’s even easier to Eat God’s Way (simple, yummy healthy food) all week.. all month… all year.

"I used to not think too much about what I ate except in terms of "good" vs "bad." TCS has helped me understand that there is more to that. I have more information now as to why something is better for me or why a certain prep method is better than another." —Rebecca J.
With these steps, you’ll save money on food (sometimes families cut their food budget in half!), cooking becomes easier and more doable, and even picky eaters love the dishes, so it's just a huge win all around. :)
"I ate a very clean diet by the time I actually joined TCS but now I have been able to expand my diet to include foods I couldn't eat before (beans, grains, corn, etc.) because now they are traditionally prepared. We have more variety in food on a daily basis and nearly every snack and condiment has been replaced with a traditionally homemade version!" -Carla B.
"I work 2 full time jobs and have for many years. I would eat ready-to-eat or quick-cooking meals. We were malnourished basically and constantly would get ill. Since I started changing our food, we have been getting sick less and have been getting more nutrients. There is still a lot to heal, but we're making progress." -Rebecca E.
For example, after starting with our program and following it week by week, Maureen started feeling better ...and she lost 100 pounds without even trying!

"I cannot tell you how "at home" I felt in Traditional Cooking School's cooking classes. Wardee's presentations were "from the heart" and I could tell she just wanted to help others.
And guess what happened? Though I wasn't trying to lose weight during this exciting time, I lost 100 pounds without even trying. I was following what I learned from Wardee with a particular focus on a gut-healing diet. My symptoms started improving then and I am still improving to this day. I don't feel sick all the time, my brain fog is practically gone, I have my energy back, and my monthly female cycles are so much better. These classes were the turning point for me." -Maureen V.

Step 3: Tweak to Suit YOU

The third big problem comes with the particular struggles you or your family faces...
...picky eaters, stubborn health issues that limit your energy, or just managing a busy life to fit everything in.
If you’re trying to transition your family to Eat God’s Way, I’ll help you tweak and adjust our healthy eating plan so it fits your needs, your life, and your style…
To help you with this…

- Over time and from our extensive archives, you’ll collect go-to recipes your family loves that you can turn to again and again. These will also be the easy recipes you’ll make over and over on busy days when you need quick, healthy, delicious dinners.
- You’ll improve your health day-by-day through eating God's way as you tweak recipes to your health needs. Don’t worry, this is easier than you think, because 1) whole food recipes are automatically easier to adjust, 2) I provide LOTS of guidelines for substituting this or that to work around various family members’ food sensitivities, and 3) our team is available to give you feedback and helpful suggestions 24/7.
- Finally, once you’re familiar and confident with the Biblical cooking methods, we’ll kick it up a notch and make you much more efficient in the kitchen… so I’ll show you how to get more efficient in the kitchen. I’ll help you cook more food in less time using our tried-n-true time-saving tips.
Going through these steps, most of our families find they spend less time in the kitchen, save money on food (anywhere from 25% to 50%... or $400+/month), and have way more time to enjoy their family life.
Even better — Mom and Dad tend to lose weight, get off medications, and find themselves with energy that lasts throughout the day, instead of dragging.
Here's what Lynn shared:

"I am 5 weeks into Traditional Cooking School, and I just wanted to say I'm so happy I joined. I've made more changes in my diet and tried more new things than I did in the whole year I was trying to transition to traditional foods on my own. It's really made the connection for me between nutritional information and how that equates to what I should serve for dinner and how to properly prepare it. Thanks so much, Wardee!" -Lynn S., WI
Quick Review :-)

When you learn to Eat God’s Way, you’ll find cooking doable and sustainable, your family will love the food and ask for seconds, and your kitchen will finally feel joyful again!
And you’ll feel confident knowing that you’re cooking in a way that fits with your beliefs and desires to honor the Lord in all things… down to how you eat!
As part of the group class, I'll be working closely with you over the next 12 weeks to turn your kitchen into a successful case story... so I'll want to make sure you can implement, test and report back on the results.
I'm ready to help you right away... and I'm inviting you to join the group!
"The course was amazing and I'm blown away by how much I learned! I've been cooking for 50 years, am considered by family to be a really good cook and enjoy cooking many types of cuisines, so I never expected this course to challenge me the way it did. As much as I learned though, I feel like I just scratched the surface. So, now I must decide whether I want to go back and repeat the course or jump in and try another eCourse. I want to keep the momentum going." -Belle W., TX

"Wow this was my first my first roundtable meeting and it was amazing! I've already watched it twice and I feel like I need to watch it again and take notes! So informative and helpful, truly! Thanks so much and God Bless! P.S. Absolutely loved that you prayed at the beginning :-)" -Kathy C.

"Being able to discuss issues I'm having with the courses or any of the things within TCS in a private group is priceless. Everyone is so friendly and supportive, so willing and capable of helping in a positive manner." -Tammy M.

Over the last 10+ years, we've helped over 12,000 families "Eat God's Way" and actually succeed at preparing the healthiest (and most delicious) foods... and THIS ability often makes the difference between:
- worsening ...or managing (even healing) diabetes
- storing fat ...or losing fat
- suffering with tummy aches or rashes ...or having no reactions at all
- developing nutritional deficiencies or hormone imbalances that lead to feeling sluggish and dragging ...or being full of energy to serve God, tackle the day, and spend more time DOING fun activities with loved ones
- sinking further into disease ...or actually healing stubborn health conditions
- overspending on wasted food, eating out, processed foods, and doctor visits ...or saving between 25% to 50% monthly... around $400+/month!
I hope you can see by all the testimonials on this page, "Eat God's Way" works...
"Our complete thought of food, preparation, and consumption is so different now. We eat and feel so much better and knowing what is going into my food gives me complete comfort at meal time. I also find it easier to plan and prepare. I keep all the staples on hand for our favorites and have found that most all recipes use the same basics so it is very cost effective and simple. Thank you." -Mikki I.

"Thank you!! As I was making our monthly menu plan yesterday, I realized that a big majority of our recipes now come from Traditional Cooking School! Thank you for this service! I have a family of picky eaters, and yet some of our absolute favorite meals have come from you. Awesome!!" -Heather C.
"Before Traditional Cooking School, my family ate the Standard American Diet and we were trying to find a healthier but not boring way of food prep and eating and the reasons behind each. Now with TCS, I don’t feel the need to give up my favorites or any category of foods. Instead, I like the challenge of tweaking the recipes to embrace a new way of prep or finding a better recipe all together." -anon
"I love your videos and want more “TRUE” answers. I watch other videos with disappointing information, I only watch yours now! I’ve learned after my Cancer diagnoses that my body can actually kill the Cancer!! Then I came across Wardee and bingo, the light bulb lit! I can help myself naturally to heal with fermented food! My lungs are healing, so my oncologist agreed. Bless you Wardee and family!" -Emelinda D.
"I have been trying to go back to basics for a while but did not have a good plan or knowledge of how to proceed. There’s so much out on the Internet I didn’t know where to start. Thank you!" -Kimberly J.
And if you want to do this, too... now I'd like to give tell you how this all works...
Eat God's Way
When you join our cooking program, we'll work together for approximately 12 weeks going through our simple, week-by-week "Eat God's Way" group class. (You can always stay on longer if you wish.)
- learn Traditional, simple, and easy cooking methods from the Bible... because He designed our bodies and made provision for our best nutrition!
- eat your favorite foods like pizza and ice cream... except now you're making them healthier with the methods I'll show you
- save money AND spend less time cooking... because our healthy cooking methods are simple and easy, and feature whole foods (processed foods get expensive)
- hear "is there more?" ...the foods are so good, your picky eaters will ask for seconds... no cardboard here!
- ditch the fancy tools and special ingredients... they're NOT required... though of course, you can always use or invest in anything you think will help you down the road
- be flexible around food allergies... because you'll be cooking with simple, whole food ingredients, adaptations and substitutions are often straightforward and easy
By the end of the 12 weeks, my goal for you is: you will look and feel better, you'll save time and money, and you'll have more energy for serving God and your family!
Here's How It Works...
I'll guide you step-by-step, week-by-week through everything you need to know about Bible-based cooking... including food shopping, pantry lists, and equipment and tools. Plus, we’ll go through each food group and technique one at a time (fats, meats, veggies, beans, grains and ancient grains, sourdough, fermenting, etc.) as I share what you need to know to do Eat God’s Way.
Each week, you'll select a handful of whole food recipes from the recipes I'm going to show you (on video and printable documents… all pre-recorded for your convenience). You'll practice them and then add the winners to your recipe file!
The best part — if you ever get stuck with a recipe or technique, I host weekly Office Hours Zoom calls for live troubleshooting. This is where you can get instant feedback on your sourdough, yogurt, ferments, or other traditional Biblical methods. And I’ll take any other questions related to your healthy cooking or living a healthy lifestyle. :)
You have access to me and to our community, a group of Christian families from around the world that are really invested in their families and honoring God in everything, even down to how they cook! Ask your questions and share your progress 24/7, we want to hear it all!
Plus, I'll give you weekly menu plans, which you can use immediately or save for later (when you feel totally ready).
And if you finish on time... I'll give you a reward worth nearly $100!
I'll be working closely with you because I love seeing other families getting happier and healthier, and saving money, while eating God’s way. The more you implement, the more progress we'll make together. So I want to make sure you've got time to work on this over the next few months (2 to 4 hours per week).
Here's What's Included...
Wondering what you actually get when you join Traditional Cooking School's healthy cooking program?
Here's a complete list...
12-Week "Eat God's Way" Traditional Cooking Masterclass
This is your first class with us and going through it will teach you our simple, healthy cooking plan... all the skills in this course (carefully selected) will give you a sturdy jumping-off place into the world of Traditional Cooking and a behind-the-scenes peek into how real Christian moms and dads create delicious, healthy, nourishing meals that honor God and family!
We'll give you weekly video lessons, downloadable printable materials, accountability, reminders, weekly coaching calls, and a final reward (worth $100) as you learn Traditional Cooking easily according to our step-by-step plan over the next 12 weeks!
Deadline to join to be included in this online group class is Monday (for the class that starts on Tuesday).
100s Of "Ready For Real Life" Recipes
...specially prepared for our members of our Eat God's Way cooking program. Including many "makeovers" for all your favorites, yet made healthy! Like... cinnamon rolls, cookies, pizza, pot pie, hamburgers, mac-n-cheese, tuna casserole, lasagna, spaghetti, hot cocoa, ice cream, and many, many more!
Inside our private member portal, you'll get recipes (both printable or with video demonstrations) that follow our simple process for making family favorites healthy:
- we select the healthiest versions of ingredients such as meats, fats, grains, sweeteners, veggies, etc.
- we improve (very simply!) the cooking methods to make sure the ingredients are more digestible and nutritious, and
- we avoid the pitfalls of the Standard American Diet like trans fats, white sugar, highly processed veggies oils, etc.
And by the way, everything you make and learn will be the healthiest AND taste great sacrificing flavor here!
Not only will we give you gobs of recipes that follow this process, you will learn how to do it yourself so you can create delicious meals on the fly or "makeover" your own family favorites!
Complete Weekly Done-For-You Menu Plans

Every Friday, you'll receive a complete menu plan for 3 dinners, 1 breakfast, 1 dessert, and 1 fermented food. Each menu plan comes complete with simple preparation steps, a printable shopping list, a weekly schedule (to help you decide what to make and when to serve it), and a heart-warming family devotional.
The menu plans help take the guesswork out of what to fix when, so you can concentrate on your busy life and your cooking lessons!
If you feel you aren't quite ready to follow a complete menu plan, feel free to save it for later or just do what you feel comfortable with. You will get there!
Weekly Office Hours and Monthly Roundtable Meetings (Including Live Cooking Demos!)
You're learning one of our healthy cooking methods and might want to get clarification or troubleshoot what's going on... so come to our weekly "Office Hours" calls and we'll help you out! We'll take your questions about anything you're learning in our cooking program, or even about living a healthy lifestyle.
At every Office Hours, Wardee does a live cooking demo right from her kitchen... sharing a recipe or tip to help you go further with eating God's way!
And, at our monthly Roundtable Meetings, we do drawings for free tools, ingredients, and cooking services that elevate your healthy cooking skills!
Plus, as a bonus... we'll give you a "Traditional Cooking Makeover" at one of our monthly calls... where we'll tackle your or your family's unique issues... and sharing our advice and resources to help you out. (We can also deliver our suggestions privately, if you wish.)
Accountability Challenges and Masterclasses

We host these frequently and while sometimes we allow our wider audience to join for $99, members of our Eat God's Way cooking program get to partake for FREE!
In our two-week to month-long Accountability Challenges, you get bite-size daily videos, tasks, and worksheets; the opportunity to earn points for the Challenge-end prize drawings; access to a private group hopping with Challenge activity; plus the daily accountability that will help you gain confidence in cooking and joy in knowing you're serving God and your family at the highest level!
In our more in-depth Masterclasses, the entire membership will go through one of our existing full Traditional Cooking courses together (such as Eat God's Way Fundamentals, Sourdough, Batch Cooking, Ancient Grains Baking, or Fermenting)... with daily/weekly assignments, on-going support in our private group, and weekly coaching calls for Q&A!
Private Group

Need help with any of the techniques or recipes? Our private group is a supportive learning network of other traditional cooks just like you. It's a fun place to fellowship, visit and connect with other Traditional Cooking School members world-wide.
By the way, this private group is on our own site, not on social media! We do this because it's best for everyone's privacy and also to keep your learning experience distraction-free!
Our group is managed by our Community Manager, Hollie, plus 3 devoted, loving, and knowledgeable moderators... Kim, Sarah, and Jeannie. Between all of us, we answer every question and cheer every win, big or small!
Private One-on-One Consult
Within the first 3 to 5 days of joining, I'll encourage you to schedule a quick and private onboarding call with our Community Manager, Hollie. You'll share more about your situation so we can give specific recommendations for you to get the most out of our program… whether for gut healing, losing weight, picky eaters, time management, kitchen organization, menu planning, or anything else!
Hollie is a registered nurse and while we can't give medical advice, she knows a lot and will certainly point you in the right direction.
BONUS! 24/7 Access To All Our Traditional Cooking Courses (15+)
Not only will you go through the Eat God's Way Fundamentals of Traditional Cooking 12-week Masterclass...
...we'll also give* you 24/7 access to all our hands-on simple, healthy cooking video demonstrations and printable tutorials, organized in 16+ additional online courses... including Healthy Diets and New Member Orientation eCourse (complete it and get 3 free gifts!).
*To help avoid overwhelm and keep you focused, most will be unlocked after 10 weeks… when you're done with the Eat God's Way Fundamentals of Traditional Cooking 12-Week Masterclass. However, New Member Orientation and Healthy Diets eCourses will be available right away!

Fundamentals of Traditional Cooking aka "Eat God's Way" — The skills in this course were carefully selected to give you a sturdy jumping-off place into the world of Traditional Cooking and a behind-the-scenes peek into how real Christian moms create delicious, healthy, nourishing meals that honor God and family!
Batch Cooking — Want to spend less time in the kitchen while still making plenty of healthy food for you and your family? Batch cooking with Traditional Foods is the answer ...and I show you how in this course. Whether you're feeding 1 or 2... or a family of 10... batch cooking will help you save time and still eat healthy! Not pictured but it's definitely there for you!
Healthy Diets — With all the healthy diets out there, which one is right for you? Keto, Paleo, GAPS, Trim Healthy Mama, AIP, Whole30... ??? We give you the whole scoop so you know which way to go for deeper healing!
Sourdough A to Z — Learn the secrets for creating healthy, delicious baked goods of all kinds that thrill the pickiest eater, satisfy the biggest eater, and support the healthiest eater, all while honoring a frugal budget, fitting into a busy lifestyle and bringing your family closer together!
Einkorn Baking — Einkorn is the ancient wheat that families used long before hybridization, GMOs, and chemical processing. It’s as close as you can get to baking exactly like people did in ancient times. I’m delighted to bring you a whole class on Einkorn Baking and share my recipes, tips and tricks with you!
Lacto-Fermentation — Long before the grocery store sold pickles in glass jars, moms knew that serving homemade pickles at dinner time was a great way to top off a meal and stop tummy aches before they started. In this course you'll learn how to “pickle” foods to make them more nutritious, stay fresh longer, and taste even better by letting the food develop its own complex flavors and pleasing textures.
Cultured Dairy & Basic Cheese — In this course you will learn how to make cheeses, drinks, spreads and sauces that unlock the power of milk’s fat-soluble vitamins, probiotics, and healthy fats. The beneficial organisms that you add during the culturing process cause an explosion of life-affirming vitamins, minerals and enzymes that you can’t get from any other food or cooking process. It’s truly a cornerstone to healthy living!
Pressure Cooking I and II — Pressure cooking is so fast and efficient, and produces amazingly tender and moist foods. In this course, I'm showing you how to use traditional methods (like soaking) and whole food ingredients in your pressure cooking... so it's also healthy! To follow along with this course, you can use a "smart" pressure cooker like the Instant Pot or your trusty stovetop pressure cooker.
Allergy-Free Cooking — This course shows you how to cook around your family’s food allergies and sensitivities while serving nutritious and delicious meals that give your child every possible advantage for healing from food sensitivities — all on a shoe-string budget!
Women's Health — Christian women need health information, tips, and recipes that support all the stages of a woman's life! We traveled far and wide to bring you guest experts — like Penny Lane, CNM, DNP — to answer your questions about Women's Health from a God-glorifying, healthy perspective. To help you implement all the foundational, natural health info, we also get in the kitchen to share gobs of recipes and DIY tips! So you can "look good, feel good, and do good"!
Healthy Baby — Babies don’t stay babies forever! Eventually, we all must transition from milk to “meat”. Is there a way to introduce solid foods that maintains breast milk’s protective effects and where children learn to LOVE all kinds of real, nourishing foods? The answer is a resounding yes! And we'll show you how and what to serve in this course!
Real Food Kids — Would you like to have confidence that your children will be able to cook their own healthy meals now and when they grow up? This course will help you create your own Family Kitchen that churns out amazing food, laughter, silly songs, and life-long healthy cooking skills. This course is based on one simple idea: “Everyone eats, everyone cooks.” :)
Dehydrating — Do you want to give your family peak-season freshness, flavor and nutrition even during the bleak winter months? Then this course is for you! You will learn how to dehydrate every food group — fruits, veggies, broth, meats, beans, grains, eggs, dairy, herbs, and mother cultures — and then bring them back to full richness, flavor and vitality whenever you want a quick, nutritious meal.
Cooking Outside — Want to do more cooking outside, beat the heat and make life more fun and interesting? Even simple meals taste better when cooked outdoors! The fresh air and the invigorating feeling of being outdoors really work up an appetite! From cooking over an open fire, to charcoal, to a gas grill, and even to canning, we'll cover it all!
Thanksgiving Dinner — We'll help you put a 100% healthy traditionally-cooked feast on the table (side dishes, mains, desserts, and beverages) without exhaustion or overwhelm... or a sugar coma! This class contains gobs of recipes, video demonstrations, and a "plan" to help you serve dinner without going crazy! Wonderful for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years' or other Fall or Winter feast!
NEW! Ancient Grains — Learn the ins and outs of baking with the oldest grains, from Bible Times, like spelt, einkorn, rye, barley, and more. Arguably healthier and easier on the digestive system, we'll cover milling and storage, to cracking and rolling, to sprouting and sourdough... and in dishes from breakfasts, sides, mains, desserts, snacks, and delicious breads!
BONUS (Yearly Only)! 9+ Years' Worth of Weekly Menu Plans Value $879

If you decide to join as a yearly* student of our Eat God's Way cooking program, you'll not only get 52% off... I'll also throw in this extra bonus worth $879!
Our weekly menus help you put into practice what you're learning in the classes by giving you plans that you can simply carry out... instead of worrying every day "what's for dinner?"
Because you're busy enough with the courses and lessons inside Traditional Cooking School's Eat God's Way cooking program... we want to help you out by removing that extra burden of figuring out what to fix!
Each weekly plan includes: 3 dinners, 1 breakfast, 1 dessert, 1 lacto-ferment, supplemental recipes, shopping list, prep steps, and weekly devotional.
There are 9+ years' worth of menu plans in this bonus package and the total value is $879!
However, you can get them (more than 400 of them!) completely FREE when you choose the yearly commitment to our Eat God's Way cooking program. Value $879
*Even though we offer weekly, monthly, and quarterly options, the bonus package containing the free menu plan archives is only for new YEARLY subscribers.
Why? Because it's a commitment.
We don't learn everything in one day, we have to chip away at it. A new technique or recipe learned each week is the pace we recommend. So, we love to see people hanging on for a year and commit to this change — because to be honest, that's the kind of time involved in making lasting changes in your diet and lifestyle. If it's important, it's worth doing well and making that commitment!
So there you have it... everything you get when join, plus a bonus if you wish!
What Our Students Say...
In case you're wondering if this stuff really works... this is what some of our families have said!
We are saving about $400 a month off our food bill, my kids love the food, and my husband says it was the best investment to join Eat God’s Way!
"I’m so thankful to have found the Eat God’s Way program.
I’m so thankful for the knowledge I’ve gained from taking the batch cooking class, fundamentals class, thanksgiving class, and the ancient grains class. Plus, all the recipes from Office Hours.
I’ve been using sourdough and traditional cooking methods like soaking for the last 10 years, but in the last 3 and a half months since I joined, I’ve learned so so so many new tips and tricks to prepare healthier food.
I’m so thankful for all that Wardee does to help families, she has definitely helped ours. We are saving about $400 a month off our food bill, my kids love the food, and my husband says it was the best investment to join Eat God’s Way!" —Deidre H.
We finally cut the grocery bill about 30%!
“My husband and I had a quick talk this morning about not attending an event this evening (Fri) because we need the time to batch cook and meal plan for the weekend/next week.
The sacrifices are hard but the rewards are significant - we feel energetic to meet the demands of a very busy semester and we finally cut the grocery bill about 30% by cooking EVERYTHING from scratch. Snacks, bread, meals, etc.
It was not easy and we had to pull back from outside events and hosting but we did it! And we'll get more efficient in time. God bless you all!” —Deidre S.
If not for Traditional Cooking School, I would still be over 200 pounds...
"If not for Traditional Cooking School, I would be sitting in front of a television trying to get up energy to prepare foods at home. I would still be over 200 pounds and very depressed. (I have cut back on most all my medications and I’m breathing better and have better stamina.) My grandson would not be excelling in school as he is now and would not have the energy to play outdoors like he does. My son-by-love is working the farm and building our home and teaching me so much." ~Debbie L., Mansfield, MO
My son saw we're not just pulling the wool over his eyes LOL
"I was able to prepare a soup for our son that returned home from technical school & was not feeling so well. It is a better version of a bone broth soup than I had been preparing. After eating it, he saw me catching up on some TCS classes and realized that the video I was watching (Fundamentals II) had much of the info about healthy soups. He realized I wasn't just pulling the wool over his eyes. LOL I used Bone broth as the base, added parsley, ginger, garlic, onions, leeks, carrots, celery, turmeric, oregano, and a couple of small potatoes, letting it all simmer. Next, strained all of that, put in the Vitamix and back into the soup with a can of coconut milk. Tasted like healing! We classify your videos as "legitimate" videos!" ~Sheila B.
Just amazing...
"The Sourdough lessons have been just amazing. I had enjoyed baking with sourdough for over a year, but now I feel a new inspiration and love finding all the wonderful things that I can do." ~Millie C.
Food that heals and nourishes...
"You’ve shown me how to transform our food from something we eat into something that heals and nourishes our bodies. I love being able to prepare healthy foods with my family… Praise the Lord for His beautiful ways!" ~Michelle P.
More TRUE answers!
"I love your videos and want more “TRUE” answers. I watch other videos with disappointing information, I only watch yours now! I’ve learned after my Cancer diagnoses that my body can actually kill the Cancer!! Then I came across Wardee and bingo, the light bulb lit! I can help myself naturally to heal with fermented food! My lungs are healing, so my oncologist agreed. Bless you Wardee and family!" ~Melinda D.
Up a few notches...
"You’ve shown me that what I thought was a healthy way of eating could be stepped up a notch. OK, a few notches!" ~Wendy N.
I love the resource you are...
"I love the resource you are to cooking traditionally!" ~Lori P.
From the bottom of our hearts...
"I am learning things that I know will help my children. We can teach them how to use food the way God intended. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! This course is extremely timely, and, to be frank, an answer to prayer." ~Mary K.
Enjoying our food greatly...
"Our family is experiencing greater health and nutrition and enjoying our food greatly. My family is much less resistant to the changes in our diet since using your course. This is money well spent and I will continue to subscribe." ~Robin M.
You made the transition easier...
"You’ve helped make this transition easier... as trying to go through it on my own was very confusing. Having your classes gives me the focus and the guidance I need." ~Billie Y.
Seeing other moms got me over the hump...
"My family had fun together watching kid videos and making those recipes. But the biggest benefit for our family was me seeing all the other moms on video that really nourish their families. It got me over the hump from doing it 60% to more like 97%. Which is a big deal as my son had really bad teeth… I just had it in my head before that no one could really be that ‘perfect’ in their cooking. Now we have a better diet and I also have more energy mostly because I now make all baked goods, which I love, sourdough." ~Marly H., Hudson Valley NY
I'm literally in tears!

"I’m literally in tears watching Lessons 7, 8, and 10 of the Women’s Health eCourse. I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago after years of declining health, and yet treating it with progesterone did not alleviate my symptoms. I have cysts on my thyroid and ovaries, and despite various symptoms of adrenal fatigue, hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, inflammation, and a host of other ailments, I was not treated for any of these issues.
My health has continued to decline and just within the past two weeks I have had some very serious issues that landed me at the doctor’s office and then the ER this past Sunday.
After following TCS for many months, I finally decided to join when I saw that this course was being offered. Everything that is being addressed are the very things that I need to do for my health. I am so overjoyed that many of the things I prayed about and had been seeking answers to for YEARS, are being discussed in this course.
I have felt so alone for so long and even though I made very dramatic changes to my diet (like quitting sugar over 2 years ago), and have been preparing many traditional and healing foods for years now, I had not found complete healing and have gotten worse.
I wanted to say thank you to you all for allowing the Lord to use you to bring this knowledge to so many. I feel that this course was designed specifically for me. In all my years of research, I have yet to find a resource like TCS that covers every area of health and healing that I have been looking for all in one place.
Thank you Wardee, Haniya, Megan, and Lindsey for sharing your wisdom and creating this class. You have touched me and renewed my hope. May God’s blessings be upon you." ~Ajene G.
Thank you! She tackled the complicated issues!

"I am so impressed by the in-depth discussion with Dr. Lane in Lesson 4 of the Women's Health eCourse! Thank you giving her the time to fully discuss all the complicated issues she addressed. She did a good job with the spiritual side as well as the practical side of these important life decisions." ~Lee B.
Great nourishing recipes!

"I absolutely love your course! You have done such a great job referencing different resources and sharing great nourishing recipes! My boy already has a bottle recommended by you as well as the ice cream molds (can not wait for the recipe!!) Your hard work is much appreciated!" ~Olga B.
Best experience I've had with any type of support...
"This has, by far, been the best experience that I've had with any type of support. How wonderful you all are. May God Bless each and everyone of you." ~Dot R.
Keep up the good work!
"Kitchen Stewardship certainly has similar goals, of being good stewards of the gifts God has given us. It is good that God gave us such gifts on earth and a handbook to teach us how and why to take care of them! Keep up the good work!" ~Katie Kimball,
But How Much Does It Cost?

So you're probably wondering just how much our simple healthy cooking plan costs.
Well, let me explain it this way.
At mealtime, you have 2 choices: eat in or dine out.
A typical meal out for our family costs $75. If you multiply that by several meals a day and several meals a month, there goes the food budget.
Plus, the food preparation is not healthy or traditional. That means when our family dines out, we are limited to only 1 or 2 items on the menu (if that…). So, we end up eating lower quality food and paying more money.
Your other choice is to cook dinner yourself (and get the kids to help).
If you don’t have a traditional cooking grandmother to teach you the methods, you’d be over the moon to find a private cooking class in your town. They’re very rare.
We found one in Texas, but they charge $99 per class. It’s a group class (with limited personal attention), and the classes aren’t video-taped (which means that if you don’t get the technique right away, you’re stuck having to retake the class or give up on the recipe. Very disappointing.)
On the other hand, Traditional Cooking School’s Sourdough A to Z class (all by itself) contains 25 hands-on lessons, each with video demonstrations, printable tutorials, bonus articles and other resources.
If you had to learn each lesson in a group cooking class, you’d pay $99 times 25 lessons… that’s $2,475... and you still wouldn’t get the videos, recipes, and other resources.
If you wanted to take all 15 of our online courses live (the ones you get 24/7 access to when you join), that comes to $16,236.00… plus you’d have to hire a sitter for the kids, pay for gas, and rototill your schedule to allow for 300+ weekly lessons (that’s more than 4+ years of cooking classes).
And that assumes you could even find a class on the specific technique (like sourdough, lacto-fermentation, or traditional cooking in your pressure cooker) that your family needs. Again, very rare.
Here’s the good news.
Membership in Traditional Cooking School's Eat God's Way cooking program is only $28/week or $99/month... or you can save up to 53% by choosing quarterly or yearly. You'll see all the options upon sign-up.
Per month, this is less than the cost of dinner out for a family... less than most households' monthly cable or cell phone bill...
...yet, it's a true investment in your health and the health of your family for the future so it's worth far more.
Traditional Cooking School's Eat God's Way cooking program is a clear bargain. You won’t find classes or a convenient all-in-one setup like ours like this anywhere else, at any price.
In fact, here's how Darla and her husband cut their grocery budget in half the very first month (from $1000/month down to $500/month)... making their investment more than worth it!

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed

Any time you invest time and money in a class, there’s a risk.
What if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not as good as they said?
So let’s look at the best and worst case scenarios...
Best case:
Over the next 12 weeks, you transform your kitchen. You discover a whole new way of cooking (God’s way) that honors Him, saves you time and money, and helps your family get healthier and happier. You’ll learn how to cook in a doable and sustainable way, save at least 25% on groceries ($400+/month for many of our students), and learn time-saving tips that will help you get even more efficient over time.
That’s the best case.
But what about the worst case?
Worst case:
Maybe it doesn’t work. Maybe you’re a few weeks in, and you decide it’s not for you. Or you think the content's not quite right, or maybe you jumped too soon...
In which case, any time in the first 30 days just let me know, and I’ll refund you 100% of what you’ve paid.
So that way there's no risk to give it a go and get started.
Use the join link on this page to get started right away.
Ready To Do This?
If you want to stop feeling confused by all the weird-tasting, unsustainable, and non-Biblical diets out there and would rather let us help you skip the confusion and difficulty... you can spend LESS time in the kitchen and truly ENJOY the foods you're eating (including bread and butter)... you can cut your grocery budget by at least 25%... which amounts to $400+/month for many of our students...
...and possibly lose weight and get off medications...
...then click the "Join Now" button on this page to get started right away.
And then you can look forward to UNcomplicated, doable, delicious healthy cooking that lines up with God's word, as well as connection with other like-minded Christian families!
God bless you and your family!

P.S. I really love working with other Christian families who love good food and want to eat according to God's design ...not only because we believe it's the healthiest way, but because we want to give Him glory for creating good food as the best medicine!
I look forward to seeing YOUR testimonial with the incredible results you've gotten from working with me and the other teachers in our "Eat God's Way" cooking program!
Click the "Join Now!" button on this page to get started right away.
Or, keep reading for FAQs and more testimonials...

Before he passed away, my husband told me "you CAN learn sourdough!"
"My 5-year-old granddaughter picks my homemade sourdough bread over store-bought every time! She knows the difference!" —Teresa Ball
Now I have energy and I enjoy life!
"I would wake up in the middle of the night in so much pain that I would have to put my pillow over top of my head so I wouldn't scream so that I wouldn't wake up the house. That's how [bad] it was.
Now I have energy, I can get through the whole day without having a nap, most of the time. I'm not as foggy brained, though I still have those times when I'm detoxing. I enjoy life, I can go for walks. I still have to go for short walks because I have psoriatic arthritis, so it's hard. Like I can't go up hills, I can't climb mountains any more. But I can go for nice walks. I can enjoy life. I can get down on the floor and play with my dog. I have life. It feels like I have life now. I can engage in a conversation and just enjoy it. And, I can eat more now [food sensitivities]. And, I have been trying for absolute years to gain weight. This year, I've gained 3 or 4 pounds, which for me is an absolute miracle." —Sarah Badke, Canada
Everyone is so friendly and supportive...

"Being able to discuss issues I'm having with the courses or any of the things within TCS in a private group is priceless. Everyone is so friendly and supportive, so willing and capable of helping in a positive manner.
My life has been in upheaval for the past year. This is in part due to getting ready to sell our property, getting it sold, and moving into our 5th wheel - and the encountering the pandemic, and all the other issues going on at this time. This has all been happening since I started TCS. What I can say is that TCS has given me a place of calm and an opportunity to focus on other things that all that stuff. I also think *a lot more* about the food we eat and how it is prepared." ~Tammy M.
I don't feel the need to give up my favorites!
"Before Traditional Cooking School, my family ate the Standard American Diet and we were trying to find a healthier but not boring way of food prep and eating and the reasons behind each.
Now with TCS, I don’t feel the need to give up my favorites or any category of foods. Instead, I like the challenge of tweaking the recipes to embrace a new way of prep or finding a better recipe all together." ~anonymous

I love that I know how to do these things!
"I now better understand how and why it is important to prep my foods in traditional ways. I make sourdough bread, crackers and pizza on a regular basis. I also soak and dehydrate all my nuts as well as regularly make fruit leather for my granddaughters. Before I discovered TCS, I didn’t know how (and was scared to try) to do any of these things. Even the things I don’t make all the time like butter, cheese, sauerkraut, etc., I love that I know how to do it and have at least tried it! It helps me feel very connected to my ancestors!" ~Deborah W.
TCS has helped me at every level...
"TCS has helped me at every level of my traditional foods journey. At the beginning I was struggling to figure out what I should do and struggling with overwhelm. Your non-dogmatic approach helped me settle in on a few things to get me started.
After growing in the basis TCS was there when I wanted to expand into more in-depth topics.
Now I'm confident in sourdough (except bread, that's this Winter's project), fermenting, kombucha, pressure cooking, and more." ~Danielle T.
I didn't know what I was missing before!
"I feel so happy and much more confident that I have resources that are worth investing my time! That I will have ample healthy options to turn to. I have access to trustworthy information for my health and what I can recommend (and do) to others!
I didn't know what I was missing before!! It has filled a hole in my life, giving direction, fellowship, and that wealth of knowledge and access to so many rich resources(courses). I have found a group through challenges that spurs me forward beyond anything I have learned from in the past! I have so many options to do in my free time to study more things.
My kitchen used to be busy with broth and yogurt, but the number of 'traditional' cooking going on now includes regular yogurt making, soaking muffins, sourdough bucket dough English muffins, other dairy items, skillet meals, oh, my! The dehydrating that took place! I probably filled 50 jars with dehydrated veggies and fruits and have more to do!
There are healthy ferments galore in the two fridges! Our garden was more extensive because we knew we could learn new ways to process the foods for storage!" ~anonymous

I'm convinced I'd have gone under without TCS...
"I have chronic illness, isolation, and I'm unable to get to church. My diet is so much healthier now, and although my overall health hasn't improved yet, I'm convinced I'd have gone under without TCS.
So many other stresses added to my plate since I joined - I believe God knew that I needed you, and put me in touch! And now I feel like I have a church family of friends! Love you all! (And I hope that bit about health didn't look too gloomy - it's just me being honest!).
And the bonus is that I have a healthier husband too - he appreciates the fact that traditional cooking is healthier, and loves that he doesn't have to give up 'nice food'!" ~Carina S., Scotland
Sleeping better and less joint pain...
"I am sleeping better and experiencing less joint pain." ~Mary F.
I have't had pneumonia in almost four years!
"I had pneumonia about a dozen times over a ten-year period. Praise the Lord, I haven't had pneumonia in almost four years." ~Melissa S.

"So far the best course/material I have seen out there. Not just the basic stuff. Very, very useful and interesting. THANKS" -Lenka H.
"If not for Traditional Cooking School, I would be sitting in front of a television trying to get up energy to prepare foods at home. I would still be over 200 pounds and very depressed. (I have cut back on most all my medications and I’m breathing better and have better stamina.) My grandson would not be excelling in school as he is now and would not have the energy to play outdoors like he does. My son-by-love is working the farm and building our home and teaching me so much." -Debbie L., Mansfield, MO
"I was searching for how to prepare healthier food for my family. Now Traditional Cooking School is my first stop for information." -Jennifer B.

"For many years, this has become my one and only Christmas gift from my family to me. I can't do anything else knowing how bad the SAD (Standard American Diet) is. DH & my health continues to get better, and our 3 boys are extremely healthy..." -Sherri M.
"...your website is now my “go to” for almost all things. Mostly recipes, but also health related questions as well as products that you recommend. I trust you, Wardee and team! The fact that you are Believers helps with that. I know you aren’t perfect, but you want to be honest and informative to the best of your God given ability, and I value that a ton! Thank you for being real and honest about so many things!!" -Debi H.
"I read a lot about how I should be cooking and consuming more traditional foods but I was really intimidated by the process and afraid that I would make something and not know what to do with it. Now, I have actually tried so much and realize how easy it can be (thanks TCS challenges!) and I know how to work traditional foods and their cooking methods into my everyday life better than before." -anon
"I played hopscotch all over the internet and Pinterest trying to figure out how to find good recipes, methods of preparation, and encouragement. We didn’t eat certain foods because we had been led to believe that they were bad for us. Now with Traditional Cooking School, we have healthy food prepared by traditional methods. We have resumed eating bread - sourdough and einkorn grains and have a variety of healthy beverages to choose from now." -anon
"I used a lot of pre-packaged foods now I use ingredients. I am confident using different ingredients to pull together a meal that is fast and nutritious in a variety of ways." -Vicki H.
"Before TCS I was reeling from a pregnancy loss and didn't know anything about traditional cooking. Now I have an almost 4 year old, another baby on the way and a kitchen full of experiments. My cooking style has changed greatly and I am so thankful for everything I have learned." -Cevy K.
"I used to eat too much processed food and have bad digestion. I've really been trying to improve my digestion and the fermentation challenge was a HUGE help!
I love that your program is a Bible-based, traditional approach to food preparation. I never knew that these things were so important and now I'm trying to implement them as much as I can. I'm also trying to teach my kids (who are now in their 20's) about this. Two have moved out and two still live at home, but they are beginning to understand that this is important. Once I get them hooked on it, they can start doing it themselves, so when I'm gone (many years from now), they can keep it up and teach their kids." -Karen B.

Got A Question?
Here are the most common questions and answers about Traditional Cooking School.
I have more questions! I would like to chat with Wardee to see if this program would work for me and my family.
Wow! Membership includes a lot! Where should I start? How can I keep it simple?
Is this just a bunch of recipes or is there more to it?
Should I choose weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly?
Is there a required class schedule?
Do I need to be sitting at my computer at a certain time?
Can my family members take the courses with me?
What kind of internet and computer do I need to get the most out of Traditional Cooking School?
I'm not a believer. Is religion a heavy theme at Traditional Cooking School?
Do you use lard, pork, or any other unclean foods at Traditional Cooking School?
You're in the United States. Are your classes and recipes suitable for those overseas?
I'm on a special diet (gluten-free, dairy-free, GAPS, gut healing, etc.). Will your classes/recipes work for me?
How can I cancel?

Student Showcase :-)
Christine M.
Suffering with inflammation and digestive concerns, and on a feeding tube after throat cancer surgery, Christine joined an Eat God's Way challenge to learn how to make sourdough bread for her husband and to transition herself off medical shakes. Her husband loves the treats she's making him (especially crackers!) and Christine is now eating her own homemade, blended whole-food shakes. Her inflammation is going down and she's experiencing slow-but-steady healing of her digestive system.
Allison K.
Busy, full-time teacher and nurse practitioner, wife and mom of 3 kids under 5... Allison wanted to avoid falling into the take-out trap with her next pregnancy. Determined to establish new habits BEFORE she got pregnant, she joined Eat God's Way, jumped right into Batch Cooking, and started filling her freezer little by little. Now, her freezer is full of homemade and healthy ready-to-go foods she can just pull out and serve!
Debbie L.
Debbie was overweight and on 20 different medications, including for chronic asthma. Now, after re-rejoining Eat God's Way (after 14 years away) and re-embracing it for herself as well as for homeschooling her grandchildren, she weaned off 19 of those meds and has lost 20 pounds. Plus... her grandchildren love "milk day"!
Anthony B.
Anthony and his wife were sick of fad diets that didn't help their diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, unhealthy weight, or digestive troubles. Now, after just 12 weeks of Eat God's Way, Anthony is reducing his daily insulin needs and his wife has lost 24 pounds in 3 months... all without giving up their favorite foods!
Bekah W.
Busy mom of 2 boys (under the age of 3!) wanted to make sourdough for her husband... and went from family saying "at least the dog will eat it" to hubby telling church family "you have to try Bekah's sourdough cake... it's so good!" Now he'd rather eat her homemade sourdough pizza than get it at any restaurant.
Colleen W.
Wife and homeschool mama of 4, Colleen, wanted to batch cook for their home and house church. She was looking for new ways to make a lot of food... without sacrificing nourishment or giving in to pre-made store-bought meals. Now she's got large quantities of healthy foods on-hand for home and church, including snacks her kids feel are more satisfying than "a whole thing of Oreos"!
Denise G.
Wife, mom, and grandma Denise was sick of weight gain and unsuccessful fad diets and wanted to cook more nutritious foods for her family. She faced her fears and went from "rarely cooking anything homemade" to gaining confidence and being excited about each cooking lesson. And now... her husband prefers homemade over store-bought any day!
Lori B.
Facing a looming surgery and struggling with gut health and bloating, Lori joined Eat God's Way. In just 12 weeks, she lost weight, felt less bloated, and started healing her gut! Plus, she filled the freezer with healthy food for post-surgery recovery. <3
Rebekah D.
Homeschooling wife and mom of 6 boys (including twins!) went from tired and nutritionally depleted to healthy, energized, and keeping up! She and her sons started baking with sourdough and hubby said... "You have mastered your bread making!" And now her whole family is healthier and happier... :)
Tracey J.
Wife, mom, and farmer Tracey, had zero experience working with sourdough. After joining Eat God's Way, she stopped buying bread or baked goods from the store and is making them all — bread, biscuits, crackers, desserts, and more — with sourdough. She's keeping the starter going with minimal effort... plus, after making the switch, she's no longer dead tired after dinner!

Still warm, half gone...
"I guess when the loaf is half gone and yet still warm enough from the oven to melt butter, you can call it a success. Or my kids were just starving. One of the two!" ~Cynthia V., CA

100% sourdough risen bread
"I am so stoked that my sourdough starter is so happy right now! I took it out of the fridge last night after two weeks. I had fed it pretty thick before doing that and figured it would take a couple days to perk it up. Nope. Two feedings and it is so happy that I had to use 75% of it and it is still trying to overflow after its latest feeding. And I made a successful 100% sourdough risen bread. No commercial yeast whatsoever. Heehee!" ~Kelly H.

Holy Smokes!
"HOLY, HOLY SMOKES!! I had no idea homemade crackers could be so GOOD!!" ~Rebekah H.

So much lighter and fluffier...
"Made a double batch of gluten free sourdough English muffins today using Erin's recipe from the Sourdough eCourse. I used my buttermilk from yesterday's butter making. These are so much lighter and fluffier than my first batch. I am so happy with how they turned out. Half of them are in the freezer but they were disappearing quickly. I enjoyed mine with homemade butter and homemade spiced pear butter. Num! #littlewinsBIGdeal" ~Kathleen C.

When you stop and stare at your fridge because...
"When you stop and stare at your fridge because you realize it shows you are making progress in your traditional food journey. :) " ~Lynn S., WI