Attention: Healthy Family Cook
Learn Healthy Traditional Cooking Skills
… Improve your family’s life-long health by learning traditional cooking skills that honor God’s design for healthy eating, and create meals that look beautiful and taste delicious…

Dear Traditional Cook,
Is your restrictive diet making you feel tired and weak all the time?
Do you suffer from eczema, headaches, weight gain, or other health symptoms that doctors, diets, and pills just can’t touch?
Have you picked up books or watched videos about Traditional Cooking… but gotten overwhelmed by the complicated ingredients and cooking techniques?
What if you could enjoy all the vibrancy, good health and energy that comes from eating ALL the foods that God has provided for you?
My name is Wardee Harmon. And I’m the author of the Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fermenting Foods. I am also the lead teacher at Traditional Cooking School - an online cooking school I created to honor my grandmother’s cooking traditions and preserve them so that future generations can enjoy the health benefits, flavors and fun of traditionally prepared foods.
But my story actually starts with my children…
My son was born with itchy rashes all over his body. His knees, elbows and face were the worst. Instead of glowing with new baby freshness (like my other two children), he looked miserable in his own skin.
We searched everywhere for a solution… doctors, allergists, creams, going vegan, but nothing helped.
After 2 1/2 years of struggle and experimentation, I finally found a combination of foods that worked. This is what worked for us:
- Free-range organic chicken, grass-fed beef, wild salmon, and eggs
- Sprouted whole grains and beans
- Soaked whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds
- Naturally fermented food and drinks
- Cultured dairy and cheeses, and
- Sourdough bread
The result? Now my entire family eats, laughs and plays together. And no one gets sick from food!
Today our home is filled with more joy than I could have ever dreamed possible. My husband and I both work from home and we homeschool all 3 kids.
Suddenly I Found Myself On A Mission
I have dedicated my life to sharing this one simple message: The healthiest foods are God’s Natural, Organic, Whole Foods, Grown Locally, In Season… AND traditionally prepared to bring out their best.
My mission is to help you simply, quickly, and easily bless your family with good health, vibrancy and energy by using the GNOWFGLINS techniques taught in my online Traditional Cooking School, so that you can embrace every good thing that God has designed for you and your family.
Success Story: How This Traditional Cooking School Member “Accidentally” Lost 100 Pounds
I am so grateful to have so many wonderful, supportive friends in the Traditional Cooking School community, but the real question is: Does Traditional Cooking really work? Maureen Valdivia says, “Yes!”
Here is her story…

Maureen Valdivia has Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis - a condition that tells the thyroid to produce too little of the thyroid hormone. It also causes weight gain.
Maureen suffered for more than 10 years with worsening symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Conventional medicine couldn’t help her and made her feel worse.
So she began her own healing journey with the Traditional Cooking methods I teach. Today, she is feeling oh-so-much-better with improved energy and mental clarity — and she lost 100 pounds without even trying!
But Where Do I Start?

When people come to me, they’ve already tried everything else. Traditional Cooking is usually their last ditch effort to regain their health (and their sanity).
They often feel overwhelmed, discouraged, and frustrated that they haven’t succeeded in the past.
That’s where I can help.
Traditional Cooking Fundamentals I & II is a 2-book set that solves 2 big problems. Here they are:
- How do I get started with the basics of Traditional Cooking? “Help! I need to build a solid set of Traditional Cooking skills that I can use every day. I’m ready for cooking to finally be healthy, easy and delicious.” and
- How do I take my new skills and turn them into a Traditional Cooking lifestyle that I love? “What about natural sugars, traditional fats, sea salt and super foods? Teach me more about God’s design for healthy eating, so I can start having fun in the kitchen!”
There’s no need to pay big money for a live class, show up at specific times, or rush through the program to keep up with other students. You proceed at your own pace, make just the recipes that interest you the most, and build your confidence as you go.
A Sneak Peek Into What You'll Learn...

In Fundamentals, you will learn...
- All the basics: the process, the ingredients, the tools, and how to get started — Some ingredients are mission critical… some you can fudge a little. I’ll tell you exactly where and when to insist on the best, and when you can relax… and save some cash,
- How to soak, sprout or cook whole grains, dry beans, nuts and seeds — A no-fail method to cancel out anti-nutrients and unlock the super-power nutrients hidden inside (plus, it just tastes better),
- How to cook and bake with soaked whole grains — Muffins, pancakes, biscuits and pasta,
- How to sprout whole grains and bake with sprouted flour — Did you know you can sprout grain “berries” and then turn those cute little tails into crackers and breads? I’ll show you how.
- Cooking chicken and making chicken stock — Free-range chicken can go from tender to tough as nails in a heartbeat. I’ll show you how to make tender, fall-off-the bone chicken dinners… every time.
- How to make skillet dinners — This dependable formula saves dinner on a busy night.
- Beginner and advanced water kefir — Includes a quick-start primer on unrefined sugar… what’s good, what’s bad… and what to use instead.
- Dairy kefir — Everything you need to know about the tools, the method, and caring for your kefir grains… plus 6 delicious ways to serve it up today.
- Homemade Natural Soda — There’s nothing like a bubbly, chilled, naturally-fermented soda on a hot day. So easy, the kids can make it themselves!
- Soft, Spreadable Cheese — Imagine all the yummy ways you can flavor your creation - jams, honey, nuts, seeds, herbs, garlics, salt, cocoa, coffee… the sky’s the limit!
- Sourdough Bread — How to make tender, mild and sweet breads for every diet (gluten-friendly or gluten-free, all diets are sourdough compatible)
- How to create a simple sourdough starter that you can use on a moment’s notice to whip up a batch of homemade pancakes or waffles — The easy, set-it-and-forget-it method anyone can use.
- How to ferment fruits like whole fruits, chutneys and preserves — Just follow the basic proportions, give a quick stir and let the lacto-fermentation process take over from there!

In Fundamentals, you will also learn...
- How to create hearty, nourishing, center-of-the-plate meals using wild and pastured meats, dark stocks and fish stocks — guaranteed to impress dedicated meat eaters with its mild flavor,
- Advanced grain preparation — It’s time to take your whole grains to new levels of flavor and nutrition,
- How to strategically add super foods, vegetables, homemade salad dressings and sauces to enhance the health benefits of the meats you serve (Also works if you are vegetarian - once you know the secrets of combining foods, the kitchen becomes your playground.)
- How to make clarified butter (ghee) — on the stove or in the crock pot, it’s up to you,
- How to stock your Traditional Kitchen with tools that reduce preparation time, won’t react negatively with your food, and make clean-up a breeze. (Don’t worry. Most of the equipment is inexpensive, easy to find, and will last a lifetime.)
- How to make naturally sweetened desserts,
- Are you getting mixed messages about fat and salt? I debunk the myths and take the fear out of cooking with these unfairly villainized ingredients. Plus, I give you my top 3 recommendations for the best salts and exclusive discount coupons so that you can start enjoying flavorful, satisfying meals again.
- How to make healthy snacks that the kids actually want to eat (and won’t spoil their appetites for dinner),
- How to prepare seasonal vegetables that they sing with flavor — I include 80+ recipes in Lesson 11 alone. Plus, there are dozens of links to free recipes from Traditional Cooking School,
- How to handle corn — this is a special case that you don’t want to miss,
- How to travel with real foods (If you’ve ever had to miss out on an important dinner because the restaurant didn’t serve anything you could eat, then this lesson is for you.),
- Plus, a bonus! — how to prepare tender, grass-fed, BBQ steak (a treat for the steak-and-potato lover in your home).
- And so much more…
It's Easy, It's Fun, It Tastes Delicious...

The Fundamentals eBook will give you the confidence and step-by-step guidance you need to improve your family’s life-long health by learning traditional cooking skills...
...that honor God’s design for healthy eating (fully-backed by modern science), and create meals that look beautiful and taste delicious.
Here are some of the recipes that you’ll learn:
- Main Dishes — Arabic Meatballs, Roasted Leg of Lamb, All-day Chicken Soup, Crockpot Beef Stroganoff, and Slow-Cooked Rosemary Beef,
- Probiotic Potato Salad — Creamy, tangy, and satisfying… all of the flavors from your childhood picnics. A family favorite.
- Cauliflower and Pea Salad — Layer in all your ingredients or toss them together free-form… but don’t forget the secret ingredient… bacon!
- Seasonal Vegetables — Quinoa Garden Salad, Bleu Cheese Coleslaw, Moroccan Carrot Salad, Sprouted Lentil Salad, Creamy Salad Dressing, Roasted Root Veggies, and Sourdough Batter Onion Rings,
- Naturally Pickled Ginger Carrots — This simple recipe packs a flavorful punch. Eat it alone for a snack or add it to your salads and sandwiches,
- Lacto-fermented Ketchup, Mayo and Thousand Island Dressing — Go ahead, let the kids dump homemade ketchup all over their dinner (we can keep the healthy benefits a secret between us),
- Herbed Seasoning Salt — The perfect way to sneak real salt into all your meals and reduce meal prep time without sacrificing flavor,
- Single and Double-Rise Sourdough Bread — (the classic recipe updated for today’s busy lifestyles),
- Sweet Butterscotch Rice — A fun way to use up leftover rice. It’s like rice pudding, but in bite-sized balls that fit perfectly into a lunch box,
- Cinnamon and Honey Soaked Biscuits — You’ll love these light and flaky biscuits, with a hint of cinnamon and honey. They pack well for hikes and picnics,
- Spelt Lemon Cake — an easy-to-serve gourmet delight with down-home charm,
- Naturally Sweetened Desserts — Peppermint Pattie Coconut Bark, Coconut Fudge, Eggnog, Coconut Macaroons, Plum Sauce, Spiced Raw Applesauce, Mom’s Apple Pie, Soaked Pumpkin Bread, and Creamy Vanilla “Coffee”. Yumm!
- Plus, dozens and dozens more recipes to inspire you and delight your family…

And expert tips like:
- A set of 13 tips to starting and keeping up with your new traditional cooking routines (There are seasons in the kitchen, just like there are seasons in the garden. I’ll show you what to focus on each step along the way, so you never get overwhelmed.)
- The mystery of gluten SOLVED! — What it is, why it matters to your health, and 3 proven ways to make whole grains more nutritious and easier to digest (includes: tips for soaking whole grains, souring and fermenting grains, and sprouting).
- How to convert recipes to “soaked” grain recipes — Here’s a quick primer on how to bring your favorite baked goods recipes into your new lifestyle. Eventually, making the conversion will become second nature to you, but these tips will get you off to a good start now.
- One good reason to sprout seeds: If you can’t get high quality fresh veggies in the winter, sprouting gives you fresh “vegetables” during those darker, leaner months. (Also works for sprouting beans because sprouted beans digest as vegetables. So cool.)
- Meat from heritage-breed pastured chickens can be tougher than factory-farmed chicken (and much more expensive). Here’s how to make sure your chicken comes out tender and delicious… how to turn the bones into flavorful stock… and how to save money by making one chicken stretch across several meals. A win-win-win!
- Stuck in a recipe rut? I’ll show you my secret for never serving the same meal twice… “Skillet Dishes”. These one-dish meals satisfy all your dietary needs, and give you endlessly satisfying variety.
- Wondering how to make your sourdough loaves rise tall and look bakery-beautiful? Including my 30-Second Roll and Tuck Method for making perfectly shaped loaves. (Pictures are included!)
- Sprouting whole grains — It’s simple, but you have to know what to do… and when. Timing is everything. You’ll learn how to get started, when (and how often) to rinse your sprouts, and how long the “tails” need to be before serving on top of your dinner salad, or dehydrating the sprouts to use in your sprouted pancakes. (Hint: short “tails” are best for salads, long tails are best for baking.)
- Natural Pickled Foods — Exactly what equipment to use, which foods ferment best, and precisely how to store your ferments so that they last for months (and get tastier as they age)
- Setting up the perfect Traditional Cooking kitchen is easier, and cheaper than you think. You’ll learn the Basics (things you absolutely can’t live without), Helpful Appliances (these simple tools are big time savers), Hand Tools (take your cooking “off the grid” whenever you wish), Specialty Tools (useful tools for special techniques), and my favorite… Leave It Behind (tools that you never have to use again… you’ll be surprised what made the list!)
- Have you ever wondered why sugar makes people fat? Here’s a hint: it’s not just about the calories. Page 21 gives you a quick glimpse into what sugar is really doing to your body… and what you can do instead. Don’t leave sweet treats behind, here’s how to enjoy your sweets and nourish your body at the same time.
- How to make Dark Stock (a.k.a. Bone Broth on social media) to increase the minerals in your diet, improve your digestion, and help you absorb more protein from the other foods you eat. Why? It’s like Mom’s chicken soup with extra superpowers!
- Myth debunked: Raw green smoothies aren’t all that great for you. Why? Raw dark leafy greens contain an acid that binds certain minerals, and reduces absorption of other minerals. Both prevent your body from absorbing the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes your body desperately needs. I’ll show you how to neutralize the trouble-maker… and make super-charged smoothies that taste great and give you the best nutrition.
- How to make a salad that “dresses itself”. These one-dish wonders taste better than their fussier counterparts. Perfect for quick lunches on the go!
- Are you ready to take your traditional foods lifestyle on the road? Here’s how to plan your trip to keep your healthy eating on track. I’ve also included 3 Traditional Cooking worksheets to keep all your meal plans at your fingertips.
- And much more…
A Special Offer For You

For a limited time, I have created a special offer for Christian families who want to improve their health. This is an opportunity for your entire family to start feeling better!
How much would it be worth to you to start feeling better, right now? Check it out:
I've priced out comparable college cooking courses (which don't cover nearly as much as we do) and they'll run you about $1000 each...
In contrast, the Fundamentals eBook covers 19 topics in Traditional Cooking, from how to properly prepare grains for best digestion, to what fats are best to eat, how to kick the soda habit, and how to ditch refined sweeteners... just to to name a few!
You can watch the 6 master class videos over and over again, and everything is documented in the printable tutorials so you can refer to the recipes and information long into the future.
The bottom line is: What I’m offering you is much more comprehensive than a single lesson. And it costs a fraction of what you’d pay to learn each topic, one at a time. Plus, it gives you plenty of detail to get you started on the right path.
So how does it work? The Fundamentals eBook comes as a downloadable PDF. Plus we include two FREE softcover textbooks... so you can refer to your lessons and recipes even offline!
6 Master Class Videos To Help You Get Started Fast

When I was little, traditional cooking skills were passed down from one generation to the next just by hanging out in the kitchen together. Even the tiniest child could help by scraping carrots, shucking corn or snapping peas.
These days, it’s hard to find simple cookbooks on these lost skills. And when you can find a cookbook, it’s full of science jargon and requires complicated tools.
That seems silly to me.So I decided to do something totally different…You are invited into my kitchen to learn right along side me.
I promise that after you spend a few minutes watching my step by step process, you’ll be chomping at the bit to give it a try yourself.
When you order the Fundamentals eBook, you will be immediately be ushered into a series of 6 Master Class Videos that reveal my Traditional Cooking secrets.
Here are the 6 videos you'll get when you order the Fundamentals eBook:
- Video 1: What are GNOWFGLINS? — Why Traditional Cooking School exists and why it is a trusted resource for thousands of members.
- Video 2: Soaked Whole Grain Muffins — Fresh homemade muffins that look just as beautiful as muffins from the corner bakery, and are easy on the tummy.
- Video 3: How to Make Soft, Spreadable Cheese — When you taste your first morsel, you won’t believe you made it! Mild, pleasant, creamy and smooth — this cheese pleases everyone.
- Video 4: Equipment for the Traditional Food Kitchen — Stock your Traditional Kitchen with tools that reduce preparation time, won’t react negatively with your food, and make clean-up a breeze.
- Video 5: All About Natural Sweeteners — Is that special sugar really worth the extra money and the hassle of driving all over town looking for it? I’ll show you the differences between the sugars… and even tell you when you can skimp a little and use a cheaper substitute without compromising quality or good health.
- Video 6: Grass-Fed Hamburgers — an entire video lesson devoted to preparing tender, grass-fed, hamburgers (a treat for the meat lovers in your home).
The retail value for this collection is $37, but the courage and confidence these videos will give you is absolutely priceless.
FREE BONUS Softcover Print Cookbooks "Fundamentals I" and "Fundamentals II"

I'll also throw in two FREE spiral-bound, lay-flat, full-color printed versions of the Fundamentals I and II Cookbooks (aka "textbooks")!
The printable materials for the Fundamentals eBook are so extensive (over 600 pages) that we have to print it in two volumes... Fundamentals I and Fundamentals II.
Because when the internet is out or you just plain don't feel like getting on the computer... you'll still be able to follow along with the lessons and recipes conveniently on your kitchen counter.... no computer or internet required!
The Fundamentals I & II print cookbooks are completely free (even free shipping in the U.S.) with your purchase of the Fundamentals eBook! (Retail value: $120)
Your Investment Is 100% Guaranteed

I am so sure that you will love the Fundamentals eBook that I am offering you a 30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
If for any reason, you decide that improving your family’s life-long health by learning traditional cooking skills, is not for you then please return both and I will refund your investment, less any shipping and fulfillment costs.
Welcome To Traditional Cooking... It Couldn't Be Easier To Get Started!

Hey, if you’ve read this far, then I know the Fundamentals eBook is right for you.
Yet moms often ask me...
“Why should I get Fundamentals rather than getting one of your other eBooks?"
Here’s how to decide.
The Fundamentals eBook is perfect for you if:
1) You’re just getting started with Traditional Cooking and you want to know more,
2) You’re ready to embrace a cooking style that let’s you eat all of the foods that God created, and
3) You want a deep dive into the principles, techniques and ingredients of Traditional Cooking so that you can go “off book” and start free-styling in your kitchen.
Once you find a technique that sparks your imagination (like sourdough or lacto-fermentation), then hop on over to my other books to explore it further.
And you'll see how fun it is to cook alongside me in my home kitchen!
So let’s get started.
Here's What To Do Now:
Improving your family’s life-long health by learning traditional cooking skills that honor God’s design for healthy eating (fully-backed by modern science), and create meals that look beautiful and taste delicious, starts with 3 easy steps:
1) Download your Fundamentals eCookbook.
2) Watch the first Fundamentals streaming Master Class Video: “What are GNOWFGLINS?”, and
3) Whip up your first healthy, delicious traditional meal (and don’t forget dessert!)
Now just sit back, relax and wait for the kids to clear their plates!
Here's that Buy Now button again:
God bless you and your family,

—Wardee Harmon
Traditional Cooking School Lead Teacher
P.S. God designed food for your good health and pleasure. It looks good, tastes good, and feels good. Most importantly, it supports your mission to DO good, in your family and in the world. Now is your chance to create a cooking lifestyle that supports you, nourishes you, and helps you bless others. Click the Buy Now button below to get started today!
In your capable hands, you’ll be able to cook healthy, tender, delicious meals and desserts in very little time.
No, it's not set-it-and-forget-it, but it is amazingly fast, efficient, and full of flavor. I think you'll very quickly start to wonder how you ever cooked without these delicious methods. Here's the Buy Now button again. I'll see you inside shortly!
Got A Question?
No. It’s never too late to start feeling better. Why? Parents often sacrifice their own needs. And as the years go by, their health gradually declines. I want parents of any age to be able to feel better, starting today... as well as their children to get started on the right foot!
There’s some work involved in this eBook. But I can honestly say, it’s some of the funnest work I’ve done. The cooking techniques are simple. And the recipes are mostly “mix and go.” It’s easy. And the results are amazingly effective.
No. This is the companion eBook to our online eCourse. The videos you get are pre-recorded, so you don’t have to show up anywhere, at a specific day or time. The eBook is ready for you to download immediately after purchase.
Yes! When you purchase the eBook package, we're including two spiral-bound, lay-flat, full-color textbooks completely free (the eBook is so large, we have to print it in two volumes). These are a $120 value and you even get free shipping in the United States.
No worries. We offer a 30-day money back guarantee. Just contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we'll be happy to refund your investment, less any shipping and fulfillment costs.
We focus on the techniques of preparing real foods using traditional methods that preserve or enhance the nutritional value of the original ingredients.
There is a heavy emphasis on answering the “how” questions. However, there is always a reason for “why” we do things, and it is this “why” that is often more important than the “how.”
Our philosophy: At Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS, we believe that God is our creator and the source of all things good. God is the “why” for all that we do, including the way we cultivate, harvest, prepare and eat foods. That’s why we share our love for God and explain how we can see God’s design in our food.
This resonates with most of our students, though some participate solely for the techniques. We are happy to help you either way.