Attention: Fermenters
Make Your Own Naturally "Pickled" Probiotic Foods
… Pickles, Krauts… even Sodas and Chocolate Cake… more powerful than a multi-vitamin… more delicious than you ever dreamed possible… and super easy to make…

Helped my gut, acid reflux, my skin...
"Thank you, I really enjoy all your information, it really has helped my gut, acid reflux, my skin, and what to eat, going forward!" ~Susan

Dear Traditional Cook,
Have you been trying to get started with fermenting for years?
Have you picked up books or watched videos about lacto-fermentation… but gotten discouraged with the process and worries about food safety?
Are you looking for a way to start making free-style recipes in your own kitchen that show the fun and personality of your home and garden?
My name is Wardee Harmon. And I’m the author of the Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fermenting Foods. I am also the lead teacher for Traditional Cooking School - an online cooking school I created to honor my grandmother’s cooking traditions and preserve them so that future generations can enjoy the health benefits, flavors and fun of traditionally prepared foods.
When I was a little girl, my Tata Wardeh served crunchy, homemade pickles, flavorful olives, and tangy sauerkraut with all our meals. It was the perfect way to top off a meal and stop tummy aches before they started.
But was it all just an “old wives tale”?
Better For You Than A Multi-Vitamin

After decades of obscurity, probiotic foods are suddenly the darling of all the health food magazines, health websites, and vitamin shops. Scientists now believe that probiotics are more important to your overall health than a multi-vitamin. Those are strong words! But the research shows that improving your gut health could be the number one thing that you can do to improve the health of your entire family.
More than 200 studies show that probiotic foods, like traditionally prepared pickles, olives, and sauerkrauts, help to relieve over 170 diseases, including:
- Tummy troubles
- Skin troubles
- Weight management
- Allergies
- Reducing reactions to vaccines
- And even the common cold!
“Pickled” foods are more nutritious, stay fresh longer, and taste even better than other preparation methods by letting the food develop its own complex flavors and pleasing textures. Raw and cooked foods don’t stand a chance when compared to the health benefits of fermented foods.
Plus, the acids preserve and protect the food from spoiling. This extends your summer harvest for months (and even years) into the future.
It All Started As An Online Class

When I originally taught Lacto-Fermentation as a live on-line class, the forum was buzzing with excited moms, just like you, sharing their adventures with lacto-fermentation.
My students asked questions like:
- What kinds of things can I ferment? How long do I ferment?
- What if my veggies pop up out of the liquid?
- Can I use a “weight” to keep the veggies covered with liquid? Do I have to buy them or is there a “do-it-yourself” option?
- Can I open my jar to taste it as it's fermenting?
- Does fermented food always taste tart?
- Why do I need a starter culture? Can I skip it?
- “I am on a salt restricted diet, can I ferment without using salt?”
- What's the difference between different types of starter cultures?
- Will my ferment spoil if I forget to add a starter like whey?
- What happens if I forget to add an ingredient? Can I add it later?
- “Help! There’s mold on top of my jar? What should I do?”
- How much starter culture should I use? Why doesn’t my recipe tell me the exact amount to use?
- How do I store my fermented foods? Are canning jar and lids good enough, or do I need something else?
… And Quickly Mushroomed Into A Choose-Your-Own Adventure
We worked out all the kinks and solved problems like:
- How to maximize the harvest from a short growing season
“I’ve just been in discussion with several like-minded friends about the challenges of harvesting in a sustainable and healthy way. Up here in northern BC, our growing season is very short, making it necessary to bring in foods from other areas. This is expensive and usually difficult if you want non-conventionally grown items. Then, it's hard to find good information around healthy preservation methods. I'm thankful for anything that will help with my harvest time, and will pass your excellent info on to my friends.” Blessings, Erica
- What to do when you have WAY too many veggies
“I live in Georgia and produce is abundant at this time. I want to be able to preserve my veggies using fermentation, but do not have a root cellar or basement. Is the refrigerator the only other place to store?” Thank you. —Tina Hale
- How to make sure that you never accidentally serve fermented food that is past its prime (don’t worry, I share tons of tips that you can use today!)
“I’m going to make these this weekend...we LOVE lemons! I also have a bag of limes, so I think I'll try both. The lacto-fermentation is a bit scary to me, but I can do this. Thanks, Wardee for starting me out slow and easy with such great explanations, as always.” —Jennifer
- How to make your healthy krauts taste delicious!
“Oh, I am so happy I read this lesson! I've been making krauts for a little over a year. I must admit that nobody else in my family will eat any, they hate the smell, and I even thought to myself, "Just eat a tablespoon -- it's really healthy!" :o)
- How to get out of a boring recipe rut… and stop using difficult techniques that waste your time and energy
“Haha, I see that THOSE days are over! I'm excited to try the food processor method and some of your different recipes. I guess I just didn't realize what a rut I was in! I LOVE that I don't have to pound this and, as I said above, am looking forward to some pretty kraut.” —Eileen H.
- How to customize your recipes to your personal taste, and how to make sure that your food doesn’t ferment too long (no more mushy, soggy or weird-looking ferments)
“Oh my, but the ginger carrots turned out absolutely magnificent!! I suppose it is now safe to admit that I've made these before and could NEVER understand what the fuss was all about -- did NOT enjoy them at all. I followed your recipe carefully, only adding onion and being careful with the pepper flakes. I'm thinking that maybe part of my problem before was letting it ferment too long, not sure.” —Eileen H.
- How to add ferments into your family’s diet, especially if you (or your spouse and kids) don’t like sour flavors
“Oh, yay! This is so perfect for us! I've been struggling with getting more ferments into our diet (they are not something I grew up with, and I don't even like pickles. That, and I grew up eating lots of Greek food, which never included anything fermented, other than yogurt), but we love Mexican food and we eat LOTS of salsa, so this will be perfect!” --Erica
And once we solved all of these problems, I saw how truly valuable this information was and just couldn’t keep it to myself (and the select group of students blessed enough to take this class live).
I Combined The Best From The Live Class Into An Easy, On-Demand Streaming eBook!

So I decided to compile all of the wisdom, tips, advice and fun of our Lacto-Fermentation live class into a convenient on-demand eBook, and offer it to you at a deeply discounted price. It is a 155-page, 23-lesson eCookbook adventure guide, and 5 streaming video set all in one.
There’s no need to pay big money for a live class, show up at specific times, or rush through the program to keep up with other students. You proceed at your own pace, make just the recipes that interest you the most, and build your confidence as you go.
Inside the Lacto-Fermentation eBook you will learn…
- All the basics: the process, the ingredients, the tools, and how to get started — Some ingredients are mission critical… some you can fudge a little. I’ll tell you exactly where and when to insist on the best, and when you can relax… and save some cash - Page 10
- How to jump start the fermentation process (and eliminate the risk of spoilage) — Dairy or dairy-free… I include 6 different ways to get started today - Page 31
- How to ferment fruits like whole fruits, chutneys and preserves — Just follow the basic proportions, give a quick stir and let the lacto-fermentation process take over from there! - Page 33
- How to transform veggies into delicious sauerkrauts: Plain, Korean, Japanese, Spinach, or Carrot. What will you make? — Start with a simple recipe and then let your imagination (and your backyard harvest) take you to new heights. - Page 36
- Pickles! — Once you know “why” fermentation works, you are free to experiment with your own ingredients and create your own original spice blends. - Page 42
- Salsas and Relishes — “My first batch was delicious, and it wasn't even "basic" -- I just needed to preserve a few remaining goodies from the garden.” - Page 47
- Mustard and Ketchup — Go ahead, let the kids dump homemade ketchup all over their dinner (we can keep the healthy benefits a secret between us). - Page 52
- How to make your own mayo, horseradish and hummus — Don’t ruin the light, fresh flavors of your traditional foods by smothering them with store-bought condiments and spreads. - Page 56
- Beginner and advanced water kefir — Includes a quick-start primer on unrefined sugar… what’s good, what’s bad… and what to use instead. - Page 60
- How to make kombucha and kvass — Sweet and sour and naturally carbonated, drink it like a soda while getting all the benefits of a health tonic. - Page 64
- Homemade Ginger Soda and other natural sodas — There’s nothing like a bubbly, chilled, naturally-fermented soda on a hot day. So easy, the kids can make it themselves! - Page 71
- How to make bean paste, natto and tempeh — Traditionally part of a Japanese breakfast, natto is delicious served with soy sauce, mustard, onions and rice. - Page 75
- How to make clabbered milk, cultured butter, and yogurt — Packs a probiotic punch that is good for the whole family. - Page 79
- Soft cheeses — Imagine about all the yummy ways you can flavor your creation - jams, honey, nuts, seeds, herbs, garlics, salt, cocoa, coffee… The sky’s the limit! - Page 91
- How to pickle fish and eggs — Lightly smoky, warm and spicy… a great high-protein snack or the highlight of your picnic lunch. - Page 98
- Red meat — Tender, tasty corned beef… and completely nitrate-free. - Page 101
- Cured, fermented olives — Complex sour and salty flavors without the work (or hassle) of water-curing. So much easier if you have lots of olives to prepare at once. - Page 105
- How to create a simple sourdough starter that you can use on a moment’s notice to whip up a batch of homemade pancakes or waffles — The easy, set-it-and-forget-it method anyone can use. - Page 108
- How to plan probiotic meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts and quick snacks — Your secret weapon for sneaking the health-giving benefits of fermented foods into every meal — even finicky eaters will be delighted! - Page 134
- 5 “Create Your Own” Formulas for making chutneys, preserves, fruit butters, pickles, salsa, relish, condiments, and pickled meats — Simple no-fail formulas that will have you turning out lacto-fermented foods using your imagination and whatever happens to be in season. - Page 142
- Fermented honey — Raw honey is great, but watch what happens when you add the benefits of fermentation. Amazing. - Page 145
- And so much more...
Your Insider’s Guide Into The World Of Lacto-Fermentation... Led By The Author Of The Official Idiot's Guide

The Lacto-Fermentation eBook will give you the confidence you need to safely ferment your own foods for good health, personal satisfaction, and the amazing flavors that will come from your kitchen… and family garden.
If you always wanted to create probiotic foods, but were never quite sure how… I will guide you through the entire process.
Here are some of the recipes that you’ll learn:
- Five-Spice Apple Chutney — The perfect first recipe for those wary of fermented foods - sweet and full of homey flavors,
- Spiced Preserved Lemons — The entire lemon is edible, so dice it into dressings and salads or squeeze over grilled fish,
- Fig Butter — It’s so versatile, follow my recipe once… and then make your own using your favorite dehydrated fruits,
- Pickles — Garlic-Dill, Sweet or Spicy Slices, Ginger-Carrot, Pickled Radishes, Spinach Sticks, and Pickled Asparagus,
- Relishes and Salsas — Mild or Spicy — use my formula to preserve whatever is in season,
- Honey-Dill or Dijon Mustard — this super-quick ferment will please the most discerning mustard fanatic,
- Homemade Ketchup — that transforms into Thousand Island Dressing or Steak Sauce,
- Spinach Dip — try serving this with sourdough crackers and a side of Pickled Cremini Mushrooms,
- Tender, mild Honey Whole Wheat Bread — the classic recipe updated for today’s busy lifestyles,
- Golden Fluffy-Beyond-Your-Wildest-Dreams Pancakes and Waffles — no more slaving over a hot griddle - this oven-friendly 10” pancake will feed your whole family,
- Cinnamon Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting — an easy-to-serve gourmet delight with down-home charm,
- Plus, 5-Way Pizza Crust, bakery-tender biscuits, Dutch Babies, and more...
And expert tips like...
- 5 ways to protect and help the good bacteria get started as a strong colony in your food (while severely discouraging the bad bacteria from getting a foothold) - Page 24
- Exactly what equipment to use, which foods ferment best, and precisely how to store your ferments so that they last for months (and get tastier as they age) - Page 26
- How to make your own spice blends (and save a fortune over dusty, bland spices from the grocery store) - Page 29
- The mystery of whey SOLVED! — What it is, where to get it, which whey to use in your ferments (because not all wheys are the same)… and 5 dairy-free options for whey that works as well (or better) than the dairy version. - Page 32
- Super important tip: I have included my personal recipe for making brine so that, you’ll always have plenty of brine on hand to make a ferment and never worry that mold could sneak in and ruin your precious harvest. - Page 43
- How to keep your cucumber pickles crispy, tender and full of that fresh snap! — I’ve included my 3 favorite crunchy pickle tips on page 43.
- How to take your water kefir and kick it up a notch — Ideal Sweetener (not all sweeteners are the same… one can actually kill your ferment before it even gets started), tweaking the Fermentation Process (sometimes bending the rules a little gives you the best outcomes), Minerals (when and how to supplement), adding Flavors (extracts and whole fruit options), and Bottling (to ramp up the “fizz” and make your finished drinks look like the pros). It’s all on page 61.
- Are you new to making homemade sodas? I’ve included beginner tips like: how to make a starter, how to make the syrup/soda base, and how to bottle your sodas — and advanced tips like: how to know exactly how sweet your finished sodas will be (before you even start fermenting), what to do with leftover starter, and how to prevent your sealed sodas from blowing up! - Page 73
- How (and why) to eat fermented soy like Natto, Tempeh and Bean Paste. Natto can be delicious when you serve it this way. - Page 76
- Most people think that the best milk is determined by how it’s processed. But the truth is: The breed of the animal and the animal’s diet are huge factors in the quality of your milk (and the success that you’ll have culturing your own dairy and cheeses). I include everything you need to know on page 89.
- Insider tip: In a pinch, you can use pasteurized milk to make your ferment. But don’t try this until you read page 81.
- How to make corned beef without worrying about botulism or salmonella. These simple tweaks in your fermenting process give you tender, tasty beef every time. - Page 102
- When to feed your sourdough starter (and why ignoring your starter is often the best thing you can do) - Page 110
- How to make egg-free waffles and freeze the batter (Surprise your family with a hot, homemade breakfast on the busiest mornings) - Page 119
- Why “slashing” your loaves makes them rise taller (and the best way to make delicate spelt and gluten-free loaves rise to new heights) - Page 123
- How to keep your bread from tasting “day old” for up to 2 weeks - Page 123
- And much more...
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
"I am learning things that I know will help my children. We can teach them how to use food the way God intended for us to. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! This course is extremely timely, and, to be frank, an answer to prayer." ~Mary K.
A Special Offer for You

For a limited time, I have created a special offer for fermenters who want to make naturally pickled probiotic foods.
This is an opportunity for your entire family to enjoy easy and delicious home-fermented pickles and sauerkraut... even sodas and chocolate cake!
How much would it be worth to you to start benefitting from the healing properties of naturally fermented foods... and to finally begin healing your gut?
I've priced out comparable college cooking courses (which don't cover nearly as much as we do) and they'll run you about $1000 each...
In contrast, the Lacto-Fermentation eBook covers 23 topics — showing you the foundational techniques of home-fermenting, including the supplies and equipment you need, and how to do it dairy-free if need be, all using fresh, whole foods to create pickles, relishes, krauts, salsas, chutneys, jams, homemade sodas, and much, much more!
You can watch the 5 videos demonstrations over and over again, and everything is documented in the printable tutorials so you can refer to the recipes and information long into the future.
The bottom line is: What I’m offering you is much more comprehensive than a single lesson. And it costs a fraction of what you’d pay to learn each topic, one at a time. Plus, it gives you plenty of detail to get you started on the right path.
So how does it work? The Lacto-Fermentation eBook comes as a downloadable PDF that you can print or read on your phone, tablet, or computer.
5 Master Class Videos To Help You Get Started Fast

Why does making pickled foods seem so difficult in the beginning? And why don’t the so-called experts have concrete answers to your questions about how to avoid mushy pickles, bland flavors or spoilage?
Well, the truth is: lacto-fermentation is more of an art than a science.
And that means, it’s just easier if I take you into my kitchen and show you exactly how it’s done. I promise that after you spend a few minutes watching me make pickles and kraut in my own kitchen, you’ll be chomping at the bit to give it a try yourself.
When you order the Lacto-Fermentation eBook, you will be immediately be ushered into a series of 5 Master Class Videos that reveal all my lacto-fermentation secrets.
Here are the 5 videos you’ll get when you order the Lacto-Fermentation eBook:
- Video: The behind-the-scenes story of lacto-fermentation (Where it comes from and 10 reasons why it has been a staple of our diets for over 2000 years.)
- Video: The science of lacto-fermentation (This will clear up any questions about making your first ferment. Yes, it really is this simple.)
- Video: The complete whey primer (What it is, where to get it, and why it virtually guarantees that your ferment will turn out juicy and delicious. I also share 5 dairy-free options!)
- Video: How to make kimchee (Watch me make korean sauerkraut the “set it and forget it” way. Learn how fine to shred your cabbage, how to choose the add-ins for the best flavor, and what to do when you have WAY too much cabbage… I’ll show you exactly how to adjust your recipe using my Easy Math Method.)
- Video: How to make pickles (Pickles are so easy to make… It’s just faster to show you how I make them in my own kitchen. I’ll also show you how to give pickles their signature crunch… every time. And… keep your eyes open for my kitchen “blooper”… I made some pickles so spicy that even I couldn’t eat them… but that just adds to the fun of free-styling in the kitchen!)
The retail value for this absolutely huge free gift collection is $37. But the confidence you’ll get from seeing how easy it is to take care of your health is priceless.
Your Investment Is 100% Guaranteed

I am so sure that you will love the Lacto-Fermentation that I’m offering you a 30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
If for any reason, you decide that safely fermenting your own foods for good health, personal satisfaction, and the amazing flavors that will come from your kitchen… and family garden, is not for you then please return it and I will refund your investment.
Making these things understandable...
"I am so thankful you are striving to make these things understandable to those of us who are new to all this!" ~Holly D.
A Whole New World of Delicious, Nutritious Probiotic Foods is Waiting for You

Hey, if you’ve read this far, then I know Lacto-Fermentation eBook is right for you.
Once the kids find out than you’re flirting with the idea of making homemade pickles with cucumbers and carrots from your family garden, they’re going to drive you crazy with zany ideas for other fruits and veggies to add to the mix.
(And don’t forget about the cool homemade sodas. Really, who else’s mom knows how to make her own soda? That’s just cool.)
In the next 5 minutes you will be able to watch the first Lacto-fermentation Master Class Video, mix up your ingredients, and assure the kids that crunchy sweet or deliciously dill pickles are on their way.
So there’s no reason not to get started right now.
Here's What to Do Now:
Creating your own traditionally fermented olives, pickles, grass-fed cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut, and meats for good health, personal satisfaction, and the amazing flavors that will come from your kitchen… and family garden, starts with 3 easy steps:
1) Download your Lacto-Fermentation eCookbook.
2) Watch the first Lacto-Fermentation Master Class Video: “Introduction to Lacto-Fermentation”, and
3) Mix up your first batch of kraut, chutney, pickles, or sourdough.
Now just sit back, relax and wait for the bubbles!
Here's the Buy Now button again:
God bless you and your family,

–Wardee Harmon
Traditional Cooking School Lead Teacher
P.S. Over 200 scientific studies have proven what Grandma Wardeh knew in her heart: lacto-fermented foods help heal, soothe, and prevent 170+ health disorders… plus they taste great! Here’s your chance to protect your family’s health, extend your garden’s harvest through the winter and enjoy making easy, delicious probiotic foods. Act now and secure your 58% OFF deal today!
In your capable hands, you’ll be able to cook healthy, tender, delicious meals and desserts in very little time.
No, it's not set-it-and-forget-it, but it is amazingly fast, efficient, and full of flavor. I think you'll very quickly start to wonder how you ever cooked without it. Here's the Buy Now button again. I'll see you inside shortly!
Up a few notches!
"You’ve shown me that what I thought was a healthy way of eating could be stepped up a notch. OK, a few notches!" ~Wendy N.
Got a Question?
Here are the most common questions and answers about the Lacto-Fermentation eBook. If you have any other questions, click the chat bubble on this page and we'll answer right away!
No. It’s never too late to start feeling better. Why? Parents often sacrifice their own needs. And as the years go by, their health gradually declines. I want parents of any age to be able to feel better, starting today... as well as their children to get started on the right foot!
No. This is the companion eBook to our online eCourse. The videos you get are pre-recorded, so you don’t have to show up anywhere, at a specific day or time. The eBook is ready for you to download immediately after purchase.
There’s some work involved in this eBook. But I can honestly say, it’s some of the funnest work I’ve done. The cooking techniques are simple. And the recipes are mostly “mix and go.” It’s easy. And the results are amazingly effective.
Not at this time, no. However, you have our permission to print out your Lacto-Fermentation eBook PDF for personal use.
No worries. We offer a 30-day money back guarantee. Just contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we'll be happy to refund your investment, less any shipping and fulfillment costs.
We focus on the techniques of preparing real foods using traditional methods that preserve or enhance the nutritional value of the original ingredients.
There is a heavy emphasis on answering the “how” questions. However, there is always a reason for “why” we do things, and it is this “why” that is often more important than the “how.”
Our philosophy: At Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS, we believe that God is our creator and the source of all things good. God is the “why” for all that we do, including the way we cultivate, harvest, prepare and eat foods. That’s why we share our love for God and explain how we can see God’s design in our food.
This resonates with most of our students, though some participate solely for the techniques. We are happy to help you either way.