Attention: Traditional Cooks
Pressure Cooking for Speed, Nutrition, and Flavor
… Learn how to cook fast, tender and delicious foods, without sacrificing any of the health benefits of traditional cooking…
Unbelievably easy to peel!

"Here's my first pressure cooking try and it was a success!... boiling eggs was SO easy and they were unbelievably easy to peel. I'm having fun! Woohoo!" ~Bethe M.

Dear Traditional Cook,
It’s fun and satisfying to serve delicious, healthy food to your family, but not everyone wants to spend all day in the kitchen.
And as much as I love Traditional Cooking, I have to admit that some of the techniques are time-consuming. So I thought:
What if you could keep all the nutritional value of Traditional Cooking methods, and also get the quick and delicious flavor of pressure-cooked foods?
I looked around. And I couldn’t find anyone teaching home cooks how to adapt Traditional Cooking techniques for the pressure cooker. So I started experimenting in my own kitchen.
The other day I guided my son, Mikah, through making a complete meal in the pressure cooker.
When we sat down to the table, I proudly told everyone he’d made dinner.
His response? “No, I didn’t. The pressure cooker did it!”
So let me ask you something. Would you like to have the same experience?
When you use a pressure cooker for Traditional Cooking, it goes something like this:
An Hour's Worth Of Cooking In Only 11 Minutes

Imagine you soak your grains Traditional Cooking style. (That cuts the cooking time in half, while boosting the grain’s nutritional value.)
And then you toss your soaked grains into an Instant Pot, press a button, and walk away. What just happened?
You’ve cut the cooking time in half again… while keeping the nutrients that get lost, when you cook grains in a regular pot.
So now what you have is:
Tender, plump, healthy grains in a fraction of the time.
That means you can go from 1 hour of cooking time to 11 minutes of cooking time… and that’s just for the rice!
And when you add a main dish, a couple side dishes, and maybe a dessert, now you’re talking about some serious time savings… with no downsides.
Exciting, right?
Now before I tell you more, I’d like to introduce myself:
Hi, My name is Wardee Harmon.
I’m the author of the Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fermenting Foods and Fermenting.
I’m also the lead teacher for Traditional Cooking School. It’s an online cooking school I created to honor my grandmother’s traditional cooking methods and preserve them so that future generations can enjoy the health benefits, flavors and fun of traditionally prepared foods.
But is Pressure Cooking Healthy?

When I first considered adding pressure cooking to my Traditional Cooking “bag of tricks”, I had some doubts.
After all, pressure cooking is a high-heat, high-pressure cooking technique. So it almost seemed like the exact opposite of a Traditional Cooking method.
But the more I explored, the more it started to make sense.
Here’s what I learned: Pressure cooking...
- Is mostly hands-free,
- Can be safely used with frozen foods,
- Tenderizes meat (especially if it’s pastured),
- Is efficient with your time and energy resources,
- Boosts flavors, so a pinch of spice goes a long way,
- Gives a fantastic texture to smooth, creamy custards and desserts,
- Is perfect for big-batch and large-family cooking, and
- Is easy and fun…
… and most importantly, when you do it the way I teach you, it’s also healthy.
Roasts, Stews, Veggies… Plus, Breads, Desserts, and More

If this sounds interesting to you, then you are in for an amazing ride. From mac-n-cheese to chicken soup, to the most tender and delicious roast you’ll ever eat... pressure cooking delivers. How?
Pressure cooking isn’t just a way to make mouth-watering, tender, amazing roasts and stews. Oh, no.
There are people out there right now making absolutely gorgeous custards, breads, and cheesecakes in their pressure cookers.
So if you’ve ever wished your traditionally cooked meals looked pretty enough to post on Pinterest or Instagram, then you’re in for a treat.
Pressure cooking gives you meals that are as beautiful as they are healthy.
Now, I have to warn you:
Pressure cooking isn’t for everyone.
So here are a couple of things I want you to consider.
- Even though pressure cookers are easy to use, I would never advocate treating it like a crockpot. Pressure cooking is NOT set-it-and-forget it.
- And, it’s NOT an appliance that you can leave unattended. You should always be nearby, but you don’t need to be hands-on.
Now that I’ve got the safety warning out of the way, I have to ask you:
Have you ever said these words?
“Oh, no, I forgot to thaw the meat for tonight’s dinner!”
Without pressure cooking, your choices would be:
- Dinner will be several hours late, or
- You might end up serving convenience foods… or something else you don’t feel good about.
But with pressure cooking, you can start with frozen meat, and have dinner on the table in a surprisingly short period of time.
Here’s my point: Pressure cooking makes a lot of sense if you’re interested in cooking traditional foods, much faster, without losing flavor or nutrition.
"But What If It Explodes All Over My Ceiling?!"
Let’s face it, no other cooking appliance has such a bad reputation.
You mention pressure cooking to someone and they’ll say, “Me? Use a pressure cooker? No way. Knowing my luck, it’ll probably explode all over my ceiling!”
So when I taught Pressure Cooking as a live class, I built the class specifically to reduce anxiety and overwhelm. We focused on safety, building confidence, and making delicious food.
And I was delighted by the great results everyone got.
Then I took the lessons from the live class and turned them into two on-demand eBooks: Pressure Cooking I & II.
Pressure Cooking I is 83 pages long. It contains 11 lessons that build on one another, so you can learn pressure cooking at your own pace. And it comes with 33 streaming videos.
Pressure Cooking II is 99 pages long. And it contains 9 lessons that build on what you learned in Pressure Cooking I. It comes with 24 streaming videos.
The biggest difference between the two eBooks is that Pressure Cooking I focuses on mastering the techniques and making simple recipes, while Pressure Cooking II gives you even more fast, healthy, tender, and amazing pressure-cooking recipes.
All Cooking Levels Are Welcome

Both eBooks are for all cooking levels. If you’re new to traditional cooking, you’ll be able to make delicious, healthy meals, quickly.
And if you’re an experienced cook, you’ll be amazed at how fun and easy it is to add pressure cooking to your skills… especially when we get to the section on adapting recipes.
Both eBooks are great on their own, but they make the most sense as a set, so that’s why I’m offering them together… at a deeply discounted price.
I’ll tell you more about that in a minute, but first, let’s take a peek at what you’ll get.
In Pressure Cooking I, you will learn:
- Pressure cooker basics: How to operate a pressure cooker like a pro, even if you’ve never touched one before or if you’re worried about pots that blow up leaving more dinner on the ceiling, than in the pot.
- How to set up and use your pressure cooker. Whether electric or stovetop, this is how to get the best out of your pressure cooker, right out of the gate.
- How to create and maintain the right pressure on a stovetop pressure cooker… including the 4 most important things you can do to make sure your pressure cooker maintains perfect pressure through the whole cooking time.
- Worried about your cooker exploding? No matter what is in your pot, you’ll learn how to avoid overfilling your pot… even with “expanding” foods like beans and rice… so that you don’t end up with a mess of food spewing out your valves or ineffective pressure cooking.
- Does it drive you crazy that you can’t check on your food to make sure it isn’t drying out? You’ll discover how to determine the right balance of having just enough liquid so that the pot will function, plus enough extra for the food to cook up properly, too!
- Caution — electric stoves are hard to regulate! The burners stay hot, even after you turned down the heat. And this can make it hard to maintain even cooking pressure. I’ll show you the 5 ways I’ve solved this in my own kitchen.
- How to de-pressurize your cooker. How to get the lid off your cooker, safely and easily without making a mess all over your kitchen, burning yourself, or feeling disappointed that your dinner has turned to mush while waiting for the pot to cool down.
- 2 great ways to reduce “pre-heat” time by up to 30 minutes. Warning: Most people don’t know that the cooking time listed in your recipe doesn’t account for the pre-heating cycle.
- What to do if your food isn’t done. You’ve followed all the steps, carefully opened the pot, the food smells amazing, the kids are hungry, you dip your spoon into the stew to check the beans… and they’re not done yet. What can you do? You’ll learn some simple strategies for quick-fixing tonight’s underdone food, and adjusting your pressure cooker so you don’t get bit by this problem ever again.
- How to clean and store your pressure cooker. This is the number one factor in determining how often you’ll use your pressure cooker. I’ll show you how to set yourself up for success.
- Would you like to make a sweet dessert in the same pot that you cooked yesterday’s savory dinner? Here are 2 great ways to avoid “odor transference” so that you don’t accidentally ruin your mild-flavored foods.
- 4 BIG warnings for all pressure-cooker cooks. Pressure cooking can be safe and fun, but only if you heed all the safety advice.
- How to make perfect grains in your pressure cooker. This 4-step method for soaking and cooking grains in a pressure cooker works with rice, and all your favorite grains.
- 2 things you must do to make sure your beans turn out tender and plump, every time… and 1 surprising technique you can stop using today. Your beans will still be delicious and healthy, but there’s less work involved!
- How to make pressure-cooked breakfasts… it’s often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You’ll learn how to create healthy, almost hands-free, quick-cleanup meals in no time.
- Side dishes. Some people purchase another pressure cooker just to be able to make sides to go along with the main dish at the same time! You’ll learn how to get those veggies into your family’s dinner without having to serve yet another soup or stew… or invest in a second pressure cooker.
- Pressure-cooked main dishes. You’ll learn how to go from frozen, tough, “mystery” meat in your deep freezer… to a mouth-watering, tender, flavorful main dish, quickly. It’s almost magical how a pressure cooker can transform tonight’s dinner.
- If you’ve ever been disappointed by a dry, cracked cheesecake or custard, or if you’re tired of fiddling with “water bath” techniques, then this lesson is for you. Pressure-cooked desserts love the steam and gentle pressure of a pressure cooker. They turn out smooth and creamy every time.
- How to bake bread in a pressure cooker. Yes, it can be done! You’ll get moist, delicious, cake-like breads that honor all the Traditional Cooking principles.
- How to adapt your favorite quick-bread and muffin recipes for pressure cooking. (It’s really easy.)
- How to “stack” your pressure cooker. You’ll be able to cook separate dishes at the same time — so you can spend less time and energy (both your own and the cooker’s) and produce more food during the same amount of cooking time.
- How to cook whole meals in a pressure-cooker, without resorting to making another casserole. You get all the easy convenience of a one-pot dinner, with the elegance of serving your rice, veggies, and meats separately from one another. It’s the best of both worlds.
In Pressure Cooking II, you will learn:
- How to reheat leftovers in a pressure cooker, safely and easily, without drying it out or sacrificing nutrients.
- How to do big batch cooking and baking in a pressure-cooker. This is a great way to put up extra large amounts of meat and other foods.
- How to pick the right Instant Pot for you. I’ll show you the 4 most important things to consider when picking out a pressure cooker.
- Special tips for working with electric and stovetop pressure cookers. Whatever type of pressure cooker you have, you’ll get recipes that work for you.
- How to make, find, or modify accessories that work in both the 6- and 8-quart cookers.
- Tips for how to save a fortune on accessories if you live overseas.
- How to work with new accessories like: ceramic soufflé dishes, glass bundt pan, silicone baking cups, and trivets.
- How to convert your slow cooker recipes to Instant Pot or regular pressure cooker. Yes, you can take those hands-free crockpot recipes and make them even faster in a pressure cooker.
- Is your recipe a good candidate for converting to Instant Pot? You’ll learn how to quickly spot recipes that won’t work in a pressure cooker, and how to modify them to work better.
- How to use your Instant Pot as a slow cooker. Sometimes, you might not want to convert a slow cooker recipe because you’re going to be out all day anyway, and...
- Instant Pot Fun — Chocolate-Orange Hard Lotion Bars, Herb-Infused Baby Balm, and Instant Pot Raw Milk Yogurt.
Nutritious, Delicious, Traditional Cooking... Faster!

If you want to get dinner on the table faster, while also increasing its flavor, texture, and nutritional value*, then pressure cooking is for you.
(*Keep in mind, this doesn’t apply to foods that you eat raw or fermented. However, if you’re going to cook something anyway, pressure cooking is the way to go. It’s faster, and it boosts nutrition. That’s a powerful combo.)
The nice thing about Pressure Cooking I & II is that they’re 100% in alignment with Traditional Cooking principles. As far as I know, there’s no one else out there sharing information like this.
Here’s a sneak peak at some of the recipes you’ll discover, in Pressure Cooking I:
- Lemon Garlic Hummus — Go from dried beans to creamy hummus in half the time, with very little work.
- Easy Refried Beans — Use any bean for this recipe — pinto or black beans turn out especially well. Creamy and delicious.
- “Hard-Boiled” Eggs — Do you ever have problems getting your eggs to peel well? Pressure-cooked eggs don’t have that problem. They cook fast, and peel perfectly.
- Crustless Quiche —Do you have fussy eaters at home? This delicious quiche “formula” is a recipe that’s easy to adapt for food allergies and low carb diets. Feel free to double the recipe… or even make 2 different flavors by “stacking” pans in the pressure cooker.
- As-Sweet-As-You-Like-It Bread Pudding — Go traditional or add crispy nuts for a little extra crunch. There’s also a French Toast Casserole version. Yum!
- 3-Minute Steel Cut Oats — This recipe is special. It’s very fast, and it’s soaked. That means you get all the easy-on-your-tummy benefits, without spending all day in the kitchen. You won’t find that combo anywhere else.
- Cauli-Rice — The mild flavor makes it an ideal substitute for rice in any meal. And it’s even easier to make in a pressure cooker than on the stovetop, because it won’t accidentally go mushy on you.
- Broccoli-Cheese Soup — A nourishing and delicious soup has a broth base — it’s a great way to get broth into your loved ones’ tummies if they don’t like drinking it straight! (You can replace broccoli with cauliflower for a mild, tasty variation.)
- Herb Roasted Potatoes — These herb potatoes are absolutely delicious, plus they make great hash browns the next morning! Use whatever herbs you like… sage and rosemary are always nice.
- Green Beans with Bacon & Mushrooms — A great way to use up your in-season garden-fresh green beans. It’s also delicious with frozen green beans in the off-season. It’s a keeper, for sure!
- Carmelized Onions — Savory with a sweetness from caramelized onions, this lovely, thick, “jam-like” spread is perfect as a base on homemade pizza crusts. It’s great over pasta with added butter, garlic and Parmesan. (Also holds up well to freezing and canning for winter stews and savory dishes.)
- Amazing Pot Roast — Particularly with grass-fed beef, pressure cooking is the best way to make pot roast — instead of drying out during cooking, it stays moist in the steam environment inside the cooker.
- Easy Herb Meatballs in Tomato Sauce — Moist and tender. Try serving them over pasta to capture all the delicate flavors.
- “Chicken+Broth=MmmSoup” — This unique method gives you nourishing from-scratch chicken soup with very little hands on time. You can go from whole chicken… to broth… to nourishing soup in a single morning or afternoon.
- Meatball & Cabbage Stew with Cumin-Coconut Sauce — Warming and nourishing in the spring and fall, when evenings are cool. (Also, includes a traditional italian version… gluten-free.)
- Chicken, Sausage & Potato One-Dish Meal — Lots of ways you can go with this “formula”... add vegetables, switch out the potatoes for pre-soaked rice. It’s amazingly easy and delicious.
- Chicken, Carrots, Cauliflower Stew — A great way to use up 2 cups of your already cooked chicken. It takes just a few minutes to whip up.
- Mac-N-Cheese — Not even kidding. You can absolutely make mac & cheese in your pressure cooker. Hot Tip: Use your food processor to quickly make a cheese sauce before blending in the noodles. Creamy and delicious!
- Lemon Cheesecake — Smooth and creamy. I can’t see myself using any other method to make cheesecake now that I’ve tested (and tasted!) the results. (Also includes Chocolate, Plain, Key Lime, and Key Lime… Dairy & Egg Free. Very cool.)
- Lemon Curd — Stovetop lemon curd takes time and you have to be there stirring constantly while it thickens, or else the eggs clump up. Not so with pressure cooked lemon curd! You just combine ingredients, pressure cook, take it out, stir, and strain.
- Refrigerator Strawberry Jam — This is an easy, oh-so-delicious cooked jam requiring only 2 ingredients — berries and honey. Because the honey thickens nicely when boiled, you don’t even need pectin! Use this as a general formula for scaling a recipe up or down.
- Strawberry Chia Seed Topping — This is a fabulous fast and easy topping for cheesecake, yogurt, pancakes, and waffles, too! It is not pressure cooked; I’m throwing it in here as another topping option just because. :)
- Dark Chocolate Custard — Smooth, creamy, and so easy to make. Top with whipped cream and you have the perfect dessert.
- Chocolate Sourdough Cake — Yes, even our signature sourdough cake can be done in a pressure cooker!
- Soaked Spiced Fig Bread — One of our most popular recipes of all time is the Soaked Muffins recipe from our Fundamentals eCourse. It’s delicious, forgiving, and it just works. So adapting it for pressure cooking was a no-brainer!
- Grain-Free Pumpkin Bread — Requiring just 5 minutes of prep time, this is a delicious and easy grain-free bread that is a great snack, breakfast, or dessert.
- And more delicious recipes including: Chicken Chili, Cheesy Beefy Macaroni, Pasta & Meat Sauce, Cabbage Nomato Hotpot, Tikka Masala, Mexican Beef Stew, Almond Chicken Curry, Chickpea Potato Curry, and Sourdough Corn Bread…
The best I've ever made!
"Just made hummus from garbanzo beans cooked in the pressure cooker. It's so yummy. The best I've ever made." ~Marilyn P.

And here are some of the recipes you'll find in Pressure Cooking II:
- Allergy-Friendly, Gluten-Free Porridge — Our family has been eating this porridge for years! It’s got a great texture — people who think oatmeal is too mushy always say so. :)
- Low-Carb Breakfast Casserole — Mix and match your proteins and favorite veggies, liquids and seasonings. I use what leftovers that I have on hand and it comes out unique and yummy every time.
- Grain-Free Breakfast Porridge — Allergy-friendly and ketogenic. It’s low-carb, gluten-free, grain-free, dairy free. This "rice" pudding or porridge is quick, simple, easy, and satisfying for rushed mornings!
- Corn-On-The-Cob — Yes, you can make amazing corn on the cob in your pressure cooker! Enjoy!
- Beef Cabbage Soup — Filling, tasty and helpful for weight loss. You can leave out the meat for a veggie dish. You can add in any veggies that you like, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes — make it interesting! This recipe is Paleo, ketogenic, gluten- free, dairy-free, and low carb.
- Artichokes — lt’s hard to imagine doing artichokes any other way than the pressure cooker... they turn out perfectly. And oh-so-easy.
- Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Eggs — Take your regular angel eggs and kick them up a notch! Stuffed with creamy chicken and garlic and topped with crumbled cheese.
- Zucchini Cheese Two Ways — This “cheeze” has a wonderful texture, chilled, and sliced thin, works great on salads, on sandwiches, rolled up with meat, etc. It does not melt when heated; instead, it turns into a sauce.
- Crazy Simple Garlic Spread — Use this in your risotto, or on your chicken flatbread, toasted, or on fish, chicken.
- Cauli-Mushroom Risotto — If you love the earthy, almost meaty, taste of mushrooms, you will love this grain-free risotto.
- One Pot Pasta & Meaty Sauce — This is a recipe for one of those days — you know, when you’re so busy you doubt you have time to cook anything. It may be fast, but it’s still super healthy!
- Meatloaf — Double the recipe and divide it between 2 pressure cookers. Then feed a crowd, or serve leftovers for lunch the next day. Meatloaf in a pressure cooker turns out extra juicy and moist... it’s the absolute best way to make it.
- Cubed Steak and Gravy — A great way to use up cubed steak in your grass-fed cow share packs. Similar to Chicken Fried Steak, it works well with whole wheat flour, gluten-free flours, and almond flour.
- Sloppy Joe’s In A Bowl — This is one of my most popular recipes from when I first began sharing recipes online. I did a quick pressure cooking adaptation and it’s every bit as good!
- Fish and Green Beans — Fish still frozen? No problem! This is a quick, easy go-to lunch or supper.
- Mushroom, Herb & Cheese Sourdough Impossible Pie — Remember Erin’s Impossible Pie from our Sourdough A to Z eCourse? It’s making a comeback here.
- Chicken Egg Drop Soup — A light, protein-rich soup with healing broth and fat.
- Lemon Poppy Seed Bundt Cake — Tangy and lemony, with just enough sweetness to balance it.
- Apple Pie Filling — Top these soft (yet firm) syrupy GAPS-approved apples with whipped cream or ice cream (whatever is allowable on your diet). Enjoy!
- Allergy-Friendly Apple Cranberry Crisp — This apple cranberry crisp highlights all the flavors of a mulled apple cider — with a holiday twist of cranberries, and a lovely crispy crunchy topping. It's also grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free and egg- free, with a nut-free option.
- Lemon Pudding Cups — “In just one serving of these Instant Pot Lemon Pudding Cups, my kids get healthy fats, lauric acid, pastured eggs, digestion-friendly lemon and a teensy bit of natural sweetener!”
- Allergy-Friendly Chocolate Cake — A rich, fudge-y cake, without eggs, nuts, dairy, gluten, or refined sugar.
- Classic New York Cheesecake (Grain-Free) — A great jumping off place for all other Instant Pot cheesecake recipes. Rich and satisfying, perfect in its simplicity.
- Orange and Dark Chocolate Cheesecake — Infused with orange essential oil. It’s a match made in heaven.
- Pumpkin Pudding — Make your holiday table beautiful with this simple, elegant dessert. It's dairy-free, gluten-free, grain-free, and low in sugar, so I say it counts as breakfast, too.
- Large Chocolate Pots de Creme — Creamy chocolate pudding, made from rich whole foods. The coffee brings out a little more chocolate flavor, and who could turn that down?
- Soaked Spiced Banana Bread — This banana bread has a moist, cake-like texture thanks to the pressure cooker, and I add a soaking stage to make the einkorn flour more nutritious and digestible.
- Almond Bread — Great for breakfast, toasted topped with butter or cheese or meat, for sandwiches, or just for a snack. Make it savory or sweet. It’s also ketogenic.
- Plus, recipes for special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter!
My first gel!

"I made chicken broth in the Instant Pot last night and finally got my first gel! :)" ~Lynn S.
In both eCookbooks, you'll learn expert tips like:
- How to take the already reduced cooking times of pressure cooking and chop them in half again, using a traditional cooking technique you probably already have in your “toolkit”.
- How to make sure your pastured meats come out tender and flavorful, every time, even if it’s a tough cut of meat.
- How to make perfectly creamy custards, puddings, and cheesecakes, even if you’ve failed at making these fussy desserts in the past.
- How to keep your meals hot and ready for “stragglers” without feeling discouraged by limp veggies or dried-out main dishes.
- How to boost the flavors of your food, and avoid losing valuable nutrients like other heat-cooking methods. (A little flavor goes a long way in pressure cooking.)
- How to get dinner on the table fast. It’s almost as “hands free” as a crockpot, without having to start 8 hours in advance.
- How to cook frozen meats safely, without having to defrost them first. Yes. It’s possible. I’ll show you exactly why it works and how you can use it on busy nights to get dinner on the table fast.
- How to prevent burning, especially with “fancy” foods like breads and cakes.
- How to get your food out of the pressure cooker fast, without it splattering all over your cupboards and ceiling.
- The one handy tool you need to make everything from meatloaf to birthday cake. (Hint: it’s not an “official” pressure cooker tool, but I wouldn’t go without it.)
- A DIY tip for how to get handle-less containers out of your pressure cooker without burning your fingers.
- How to cook multiple foods separately… in the same pot. Say you want to serve beef with broccoli on the side (rather than as a stew or casserole), I’ll show you exactly how to do it.
- How to steam veggies in the pressure cooker, without losing nutrients or getting a mushy texture.
- Cooking for a big family or trying to store up a bumper crop for winter? You’ll learn to how use your pressure cooker for easy batch cooking.
- Does your old pressure cooker retain cooking odors? I’ll show you how to stop invasive smells so you can confidently cook delicate flavors without worrying that your vanilla cake might come out smelling like yesterday’s beef curry.
- Trouble-shooting tips for successfully cooking “fussy” foods like: yogurt, hardboiled eggs, “baked” potatoes, cheesecakes, and individual muffins, quiches, and cakes.
- And much, much more...
A Special Offer For You

For a limited time, I have created a special offer for Christian families who want to get started (or brush up on) their pressure cooking journey.
This is an opportunity for your entire family to enjoy full traditional meals made in a fraction of the time!
How much would it be worth to you to save all that time while serving your family the best-tasting, most-healthy foods possible?
I've priced out comparable college cooking courses (which don't cover nearly as much as we do) and they'll run you about $1000 each...
In contrast, the Pressure Cooking I and II eBooks cover 19 topics — showing you how to safely operate your pressure cooker (yes, even the Instant Pot) and then sharing dozens and dozens of recipes for main dishes, grains, beans, side dishes, veggies, breads, and even desserts!
You can watch the 10 videos demonstrations over and over again, and everything is documented in the printable tutorials so you can refer to the recipes and information long into the future.
The bottom line is: What I’m offering you is much more comprehensive than a single lesson. And it costs a fraction of what you’d pay to learn each topic, one at a time. Plus, it gives you plenty of detail to get you started on the right path.
So how does it work? The Pressure Cooking I & II eBooks come as downloadable PDFs that you can print or read along on your phone, tablet, or computer.
10 Master Class Videos To Help You Get Started Fast

When you order Pressure Cooking I & II eBooks, you’ll also get instant access to a series of 10 Master Class Videos that reveal all my secrets for making the most of Instant Pot pressure cooking.
If you’re at the beginning of your pressure cooking journey, or feel some anxiety about operating a pressure cooker, then these videos will help you get started right away.
My goal is to help you feel like, “That was so easy! Why didn’t I try it sooner?”
Here are the 10 videos you’ll get when you order the Pressure Cooking I & II eCookbook set:
- Video: Why Pressure Cooking? — At this point, it’s hard for me to imagine how I ever cooked traditional foods without a pressure cooker. In this video, I’ll share with you my biggest “a-ha”s about pressure cooking and why it’s a great choice for you.
- Video: What to Consider When Shopping for Pressure Cookers — In this short video, I’ll demystify the process of choosing a pressure cooker, and go over the 7 most important things to look for. They’re not all fancy bells and whistles, but believe me… these are the things that will drive you crazy if you buy the wrong pot.
- Video: Stovetop Or Electric Pressure Cooker? — This is such an important topic that I created an entire video for it. I could have called it: “How to pick the right pressure cooker for you.” Electric or stove-top, I’ll go over the pros and cons of each, so you can make the best decision for your family.
- Video: Safe & Frustration-Free Pressure Cooker Operation — How to make using your pressure cooker a safe and frustration-free experience, every time. If you’ve avoided using a pressure cooker in the past because you worried about what might go wrong, this will help.
- Video: Instant Pot Tips — You’ll see how I how to get the most out of a single pot. There’s no need to buy multiple pressure cookers, even if you want to keep your meat separate from your veggies… or if you’re cooking for a large crowd.
- Video: Quiche Muffins — So cute and yummy! Combine multiple pressure cooking techniques in this healthy, easy recipe that will wow and delight the whole family!
- Video: One Pot Potato Salad — It's a marvel, really! You can cook your potatoes and eggs together, quickly and easily, in your pressure cooker, then assemble them into a delicious potato salad in no time! So yummy and fun!
- Video: One Pot Pasta & Meaty Sauce — My family LOVES pasta and meat sauce, and *I* love that I can make it all at once and quickly in the Instant Pot pressure cooker! This recipe is swoony worthy! You'll be so proud of yourself when you make the first time.
- Video: Mushroom, Herb & Cheese Sourdough Impossible Pie — Whisk just a few ingredients into some leftover sourdough starter, layer in a pan with mushrooms and cheese, and pressure cook. Voila! Delicioius bread that goes with any meal!
- Video: How To Convert Slow Cooker Recipes To Pressure Cooker — In this video, I explain everything you need to know to confidently and successfully take your favorite slow cooker recipes and make them in your pressure cooker instead. (I also tell you which recipes are simply not candidates for conversion.)
The retail value for this absolutely huge free gift collection is $37. But the confidence you’ll get from seeing how easy it is to take care of your health is priceless.
Your Investment is 100% Guaranteed

I am so sure that you will love the Pressure Cooking I & II eBooks that I’m offering you a 30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
If for any reason, you decide that quickly and easily pressure cooking whole foods to increase nutrition and intensify flavors, without losing any of the benefits of Traditional Cooking methods, is not for you then please return it and I will refund your investment.
Batch cooking has never been so quick and easy!
"Boiled eggs that peel 'oh so easily'! Plus my freezer is stocked with 12+ healthy lunches for my hubby to take to work. Batch cooking has never been so quick and easy! Thank you for the pressure cooking lessons! It has already changed my life in such a good way and we've only just begun!" ~Fay D.
Let's Get Cooking!

I can’t wait for you to get started on your pressure cooking journey.
You’ll be able to cook a full traditional meal in a fraction of the time.
You’re going to see, first-hand, how much fun it is to make the recipes — including: main dishes, grains, beans, side dishes, veggies, breads, and even desserts!
And from there, the sky is the limit.
If you’ve read this far, then I know that Pressure Cooking I & II are right for you.
In the next 5 minutes, you can watch the first Pressure Cooking Master Class Video, and pick out your first recipe.
Actually, if you already have an Instant Pot or pressure cooker sitting in the back of the cupboard at home, you can skip right to Chapter 3 and start learning how to use your cooker with Traditional Cooking methods.
So there’s no reason not to get started right now!
Here's What To Do Now:

To get started, here's what to do:
- Download Pressure Cooking I & II eCookbooks. Click the Buy Now button below.
- Watch the first Pressure Cooking Master Class Video: "Why Pressure Cooking?" and
- Start your first batch of rice, beans, or even a simple dessert.
You could have tonight's tender, delicious rice on the table in the next 11 minutes!
Here's the Buy Now button again:
God bless you and your family,

–Wardee Harmon
Traditional Cooking School Lead Teacher
P.S. Some people think that pressure cooking is scary, dangerous, or not healthy for their family. And those things might have been true in the old days, but Traditional Cooking has taken pressure cooking to a whole new level.
No, it’s not set-it-and-forget-it, but it’s amazingly fast, healthy, and full of flavor. You’ll quickly wonder how you ever cooked without it. Here’s the link:
Got A Question?
Here are the most common questions and answers about the Pressure Cooking I & II eBooks. If you have any other questions, click the chat bubble on this page and we'll answer right away!
Absolutely! The recipes are written for either Instant Pot (or other similar electric pressure cookers) or stovetop pressure cookers. So no matter what you have, you'll find everything works!
There’s some work involved in these eBooks. But I can honestly say, it’s some of the funnest work I’ve done. The cooking techniques are simple. And the recipes are mostly “mix and go.” It’s easy. And the results are amazingly effective.
No. These are the companion eBooks to our online eCourses. The videos you get are pre-recorded, so you don’t have to show up anywhere, at a specific day or time. The eBook is ready for you to download immediately after purchase.
Not at this time, no. However, you have our permission to print out your Pressure Cooking I and II eBook PDFs for personal use.
No worries. We offer a 30-day money back guarantee. Just contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we'll be happy to refund your investment, less any shipping and fulfillment costs.
No. It’s never too late to start feeling better. Why? Parents often sacrifice their own needs. And as the years go by, their health gradually declines. I want parents of any age to be able to feel better, starting today... as well as their children to get started on the right foot!
We focus on the techniques of preparing real foods using traditional methods that preserve or enhance the nutritional value of the original ingredients.
There is a heavy emphasis on answering the “how” questions. However, there is always a reason for “why” we do things, and it is this “why” that is often more important than the “how.”
Our philosophy: At Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS, we believe that God is our creator and the source of all things good. God is the “why” for all that we do, including the way we cultivate, harvest, prepare and eat foods. That’s why we share our love for God and explain how we can see God’s design in our food.
This resonates with most of our students, though some participate solely for the techniques. We are happy to help you either way.