Great! Here's what to do now...
1) Look for an email and/or text message from me. I'm asking you a quick question to get to know you better... I'm looking forward to your answer!
2) Check your email and/or text messages for the download links for the Eat God's Way book and companion cookbook, too!
Just in case, watch your spam or promotions folder for my emails.
My email is [email protected] and my phone is 1-317-434-1180.
God bless you! —Wardee
We cut our food budget in half the very first month... from $1000 per month down to $500 per month... and it's easier to make quick, healthy meals that my husband loves!

"I have definitely saved money on food since joining! We cut our food budget in half the very first month... from $1000 per month down to $500 per month.
I had been buying in bulk, but my staples like beans and grains would be bad by the time I used them. I learned more effective storage options in your course and will be able to purchase in bulk again!
Also, batch prep and cooking has made it so much easier to have quick, healthy meals, that we aren't resorting to take out on busy days. I can whip up meals in no time. And my husband loves them!
I joined a farm share after hearing you talk about them, and now I get fresh food so much cheaper than at the store, and way more delicious. Plus, I now have the tools to store produce longer (from the Batch Cooking course), and am using it before it goes bad. No more food waste!!
The farm also offers meat from local farmers, and we can afford to buy it thanks to the money we are saving and the ways I've learned to stretch meat into several meals. And...all of this has made it possible for me to buy milk from a local Dairy when they are able to accept new members.
Oh, and after going through your sourdough materials, I have a healthy starter and have been making bread products from scratch. I will be baking bread as soon as we're finished with the loaf we have from the store. That's also saving money! I'm super happy I joined! Thank you for everything you do!" —Darla M.
About Wardee and Traditional Cooking School

Hi, I'm Wardee. I'm a wife, mom, grandma, and traditional cook in the Boise area of Idaho. I'm the author of Fermenting and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Fermenting Foods, and other Traditional Cooking books such as Eat God's Way and Sourdough A to Z.
I help Christian families who know they should cook healthy but don't know what to try or where to start... who don't want to spend hours in the kitchen and want their food to still taste great... like I was.
When I was a young mom with three children, we all had issues like food sensitivities and seasonal allergies, but it was especially bad with our third child, our son. He broke out in itchy red rashes all over his body within hours of birth.
The pediatrician gave us a steroid cream but I didn't want to use that because of side effects. I got rid of all the grocery store cleaners, soaps, and lotions and replaced them with natural ones. That helped a little but still his rashes got worse and he itched so much the rashes bled. I felt like I was letting him and my family down... what was I doing wrong?
Then I learned about some old-fashioned cooking techniques (same ones the Bible mentions). They took less time and weren't as hard as I thought they might be.
We still ate the family favorites we loved, like bread and butter, meat and potatoes, cinnamon rolls and cookies... just healthier!
The best part... within a few months, our son's rashes went away completely.

It's been nearly 20 years now and my seasonal allergies are all cleared up, too, and the kids never got another ear or sinus infection. We rarely get colds or other illnesses. We have plenty of energy and our weight is stable, too.
Would you or anyone you know like to learn more about eating God's way?
Click the button below for more info...
God bless you and your family!

-Wardee Harmon